Dina Kanaan
Dina Kanaan
PhD Student at University of Toronto
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Cited by
The effect of driving demands on distraction engagement and glance behaviors: Results from naturalistic data
M Risteska, D Kanaan, B Donmez, HYW Chen
Safety Science 136, 105123, 2021
In-vehicle displays to support driver anticipation of traffic conflicts in automated vehicles
D He, D Kanaan, B Donmez
Accident Analysis & Prevention 149, 105842, 2021
Using Naturalistic Vehicle-Based Data to Predict Distraction and Environmental Demand
D Kanaan, S Ayas, B Donmez, M Risteska, J Chakraborty
International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI) 11 (3 …, 2019
Takeover request (TOR) effects during different automated vehicle failures
CA DeGuzman, D Kanaan, SA Hopkins, B Donmez
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 1-31, 2021
Attentive user interfaces: Adaptive interfaces that monitor and manage driver attention
CA DeGuzman, D Kanaan, B Donmez
User Experience Design in the Era of Automated Driving, 305-334, 2022
Eye Tracking to Evaluate the Effects of Interruptions and Workload in a Complex Task
D Kanaan, NM Moacdieh
Human Factors 64 (7), 1168-1180, 2022
Distracted when using driving automation: a quantile regression analysis of driver glances considering the effects of road alignment and driving experience
D He, D Kanaan, B Donmez
Frontiers in future transportation 3, 772910, 2022
Assessment of Driving Automation Interfaces via Visual Attention Measures: A Literature Review
D Kanaan, M Powell, B Donmez
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 65 (1 …, 2021
Driver fitness in resumption of control
D Kanaan, B Donmez, T Kelley-Baker, S Popkin, A Lehrer, D Fisher
Handbook of Human Factors for Automated, Connected and Intelligent Vehicles …, 2020
In-vehicle displays for driving automation: a scoping review of display design and evaluation using driver gaze measures
D Kanaan, M Powell, M Lu, B Donmez
Transport Reviews, 1-31, 2024
The Effect of Driving Automation on Drivers’ Anticipatory Glances
D He, D Kanaan, B Donmez
Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, 655-663, 2021
A Taxonomy of Strategies For Supporting Time-Sharing With Non-Driving Tasks in Automated Driving
D He, D Kanaan, B Donmez
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 63 (1 …, 2019
Effects of Workload and Auditory Interruptions on Emergency Dispatching Performance
DA Kanaan, NM Moacdieh
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 62 (1 …, 2018
How Are Automation Failures Characterized in the Driving Domain? Insights From a Scoping Review
D Kanaan, B Donmez
Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 15553434241230604, 2024
Drivers’ trust & reliance on automated braking at intersections: Effects of automation braking profile & in-vehicle displays
D Kanaan, L Laurent, B Donmez
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 67 (1 …, 2023
Eye tracking to evaluate the effects of interruptions and workload in emergency dispatching
DAR Kanaan
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Articles 1–16