Sara Mandelli
Cited by
Cited by
Video face manipulation detection through ensemble of cnns
N Bonettini, ED Cannas, S Mandelli, L Bondi, P Bestagini, S Tubaro
2020 25th international conference on pattern recognition (ICPR), 5012-5019, 2021
Interpolation and Denoising of Seismic Data using Convolutional Neural Networks
S Mandelli, V Lipari, P Bestagini, S Tubaro
arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.07927, 2019
Seismic data interpolation through convolutional autoencoder
S Mandelli, F Borra, V Lipari, P Bestagini, A Sarti, S Tubaro
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2018-2995428, 2018
Facing device attribution problem for stabilized video sequences
S Mandelli, P Bestagini, L Verdoliva, S Tubaro
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 15, 14-27, 2019
CNN-Based Fast Source Device Identification
S Mandelli, D Cozzolino, P Bestagini, L Verdoliva, S Tubaro
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 27, 1285-1289, 2020
Training cnns in presence of jpeg compression: Multimedia forensics vs computer vision
S Mandelli, N Bonettini, P Bestagini, S Tubaro
2020 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS …, 2020
Detecting gan-generated images by orthogonal training of multiple cnns
S Mandelli, N Bonettini, P Bestagini, S Tubaro
2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3091-3095, 2022
A robust approach to multimodal deepfake detection
D Salvi, H Liu, S Mandelli, P Bestagini, W Zhou, W Zhang, S Tubaro
Journal of Imaging 9 (6), 122, 2023
Forensic Analysis of Synthetically Generated Western Blot Images
S Mandelli, D Cozzolino, JP Cardenuto, D Moreira, P Bestagini, ...
IEEE Access 10, 59919 - 59932, 2022
CNN-based multi-modal camera model identification on video sequences
D Dal Cortivo, S Mandelli, P Bestagini, S Tubaro
Journal of Imaging 7 (8), 135, 2021
Blind detection and localization of video temporal splicing exploiting sensor-based footprints
S Mandelli, P Bestagini, S Tubaro, D Cozzolino, L Verdoliva
2018 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 1362-1366, 2018
Fooling PRNU-based detectors through convolutional neural networks
N Bonettini, L Bondi, D Güera, S Mandelli, P Bestagini, S Tubaro, EJ Delp
2018 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 957-961, 2018
Seismic data interpolation through convolutional autoencoder: 88th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 4101–4105, doi: 10.1190/segam2018-2995428.1
S Mandelli, F Borra, V Lipari, P Bestagini, A Sarti, S Tubaro
Abstract, 2018
DIPPAS: A deep image prior PRNU anonymization scheme
F Picetti, S Mandelli, P Bestagini, V Lipari, S Tubaro
EURASIP Journal on Information Security 2022 (1), 2, 2022
A modified Fourier-Mellin approach for source device identification on stabilized videos
S Mandelli, F Argenti, P Bestagini, M Iuliani, A Piva, S Tubaro
2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1266-1270, 2020
Inpainting-based camera anonymization
S Mandelli, L Bondi, S Lameri, V Lipari, P Bestagini, S Tubaro
2017 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1522-1526, 2017
Multiple JPEG compression detection through task-driven non-negative matrix factorization
S Mandelli, N Bonettini, P Bestagini, V Lipari, S Tubaro
2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2018
Source camera model identification
S Mandelli, N Bonettini, P Bestagini
Multimedia Forensics, 133-173, 2022
Time scaling detection and estimation in audio recordings
M Pilia, S Mandelli, P Bestagini, S Tubaro
2021 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS …, 2021
Deep Image Prior Amplitude SAR Image Anonymization
ED Cannas, S Mandelli, P Bestagini, S Tubaro, EJ Delp
Remote Sensing 15 (15), 3750, 2023
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Articles 1–20