Francesco Fuggitti
Francesco Fuggitti
MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab
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Cited by
Pure-Past Linear Temporal and Dynamic Logic on Finite Traces
G De Giacomo, A Di Stasio, F Fuggitti, S Rubin
Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2020
NL2LTL–a python package for converting natural language (NL) instructions to linear temporal logic (LTL) formulas
F Fuggitti, T Chakraborti
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (13), 16428 …, 2023
Planning for temporally extended goals in pure-past linear temporal logic
L Bonassi, G De Giacomo, M Favorito, F Fuggitti, AE Gerevini, E Scala
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2023
From natural language to workflows: Towards emergent intelligence in robotic process automation
T Chakraborti, Y Rizk, V Isahagian, B Aksar, F Fuggitti
International Conference on Business Process Management, 123-137, 2022
F Fuggitti
10.5281/zenodo.3888410, 2019
Planning for temporally extended goals in pure-past linear temporal logic: A polynomial reduction to standard planning
G De Giacomo, M Favorito, F Fuggitti
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.09960, 2022
FOND planning for pure-past linear temporal logic goals
L Bonassi, G De Giacomo, M Favorito, F Fuggitti, AE Gerevini, E Scala
ECAI 2023, 279-286, 2023
Recognizing LTLf/PLTLf Goals in Fully Observable Non-Deterministic Domain Models
R Fraga Pereira, F Fuggitti, G De Giacomo
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.11692, 2021
FOND4LTL: FOND Planning for LTL//PLTL/Goals as a Service
G De Giacomo, F Fuggitti
Temporally extended goal recognition in fully observable non-deterministic domain models
RF Pereira, F Fuggitti, F Meneguzzi, G De Giacomo
Applied Intelligence 54 (1), 470-489, 2024
Efficient Techniques for Automated Planning for Goals in Linear Temporal Logics on Finite Traces
F Fuggitti
York University Toronto, 2023
A tool for declarative Trace Alignment via automated planning
G De Giacomo, F Fuggitti, FM Maggi, A Marrella, F Patrizi
Software Impacts 16, 100505, 2023
LTL and Past LTL on Finite Traces for Planning and Declarative Process Mining
F Fuggitti
Sapienza Univ. of Rome, 2018
LTLf2DFA, March 2019
F Fuggitti
URL https://doi. org/10.5281/zenodo 3888410, 0
Interactive Plan Selection Using Linear Temporal Logic, Disjunctive Action Landmarks, and Natural Language Instruction
T Chakraborti, J Kang, F Fuggitti, M Katz, S Sohrabi
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 38 (21), 23775 …, 2024
FOND Planning for LTLf and PLTLf Goals
F Fuggitti
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.07027, 2020
Lemming: A Tool for Guided Plan Selection using Landmarks
J koo Kang, T Chakraborti, M Katz, S Sohrabi, F Fuggitti
International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, 2023
Temporally Extended Goal Recognition in Fully Observable Non-Deterministic Domain Models
R Fraga Pereira, F Fuggitti, F Meneguzzi, G De Giacomo
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2306.08680, 2023
Lemming: A Tool for Guided Plan Selection using Landmarks
J Kang, T Chakraborti, M Katz, S Sohrabi, F Fuggitti
Declarative Trace Alignment via Automated Planning
G Acitelli, G De Giacomo, F Fuggitti, FM Maggi, A Marrella, F Patrizi
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Articles 1–20