Paolo Lampitella
Paolo Lampitella
CFD Software Developer and Consultant
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A comparative test for assessing the performances of large-eddy simulation codes
F Denaro, A Abbà, M Germano, M Icardi, D Marchisio, S Rolfo, ...
Atti del XX Congresso AIMETA, 0
Large Eddy Simulation for Complex Industrial Flows
P Lampitella
Department of Energy, Politecnico di Milano, 2014
Micro vortex generators RANS simulation via source term modelling in a commercial CFD solver
P Iannelli, FM Denaro, P Lampitella
European drag reduction and flow control meeting, Ischia, Italy, 1-2, 2006
Sensitivity analysis on numerical parameters for large eddy simulation with an unstructured finite volume commercial code
P Lampitella, E Colombo, F Inzoli
Atti del XX Congresso AIMETA, 12-15, 2011
Large Eddy Simulation of a Turbulent Pipe Flow: A Sensitivity Analysis on Computational Parameters
S Viaro, P Lampitella, R Mereu, E Colombo, F Inzoli
XXX UIT Heat Transfer Conference, 277-282, 2012
Note on a Formula for One-pass, Parallel Computations of Arbitrary-order, Weighted, Multivariate Central Moments
P Lampitella, F Inzoli, E Colombo
Numerical experiments with a new dynamic mixed subgrid-scale model
P Lampitella, F Inzoli, E Colombo
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation IX, 2015
Large Eddy Simulation of the Flow and Heat Transfer in a Matrix of Cubes
P Lampitella, R Mereu, E Colombo, F Inzoli
ASME 2014 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 1 …, 2014
Preliminary Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Turbulent Flat and Ribbed Square Duct via CFD Approach
R Mereu, P Lampitella, F Inzoli
ASME 2014 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 1 …, 2014
A dynamic mixed subgrid-scale model for large eddy simulation on unstructured grids: application to turbulent pipe flows
P Lampitella, E Colombo, F Inzoli
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 501 (1), 012020, 2014
Large eddy simulation of an annular swirl injector: a comparison of modeling strategies
P Lampitella, F Cozzi, E Colombo, F Inzoli
9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, 2012
Implementation of a remap boundary condition for LES applications in Fluent
P Lampitella, R Mereu, F Inzoli, E Colombo
28th Enginsoft International CAE Conference, 2012
Flow and heat transfer in a matrix of surface mounted cubes: a comparison of several turbulence modeling approaches
P Lampitella, F Vandoni, E Colombo, F Inzoli
XXIX UIT Heat Transfer Conference, 211-216, 2011
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–13