Sergio Caracciolo
Sergio Caracciolo
Professore di fisica, Università di Milano
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Polymers and g| φ| 4 theory in four dimensions
CA De Carvalho, S Caracciolo, J Fröhlich
Nuclear Physics B 215 (2), 209-248, 1983
Universal finite-size scaling functions in the 3D Ising spin glass
M Palassini, S Caracciolo
Physical Review Letters 82 (25), 5128, 1999
The propagator in the A0= 0 gauge
S Caracciolo, G Curci, P Menotti
Physics Letters B 113 (4), 311-314, 1982
Extrapolating Monte Carlo Simulations to Infinite Volume: Finite-Size Scaling at
S Caracciolo, RG Edwards, SJ Ferreira, A Pelissetto, AD Sokal
Physical review letters 74 (15), 2969, 1995
Asymptotic Scaling in the Two-Dimensional O(3) σ Model at Correlation Length 1
S Caracciolo, RG Edwards, A Pelissetto, AD Sokal
Physical Review Letters 75 (10), 1891, 1995
The energy-momentum tensor for lattice gauge theories
S Caracciolo, G Curci, P Menotti, A Pelissetto
Annals of Physics 197 (1), 119-153, 1990
Wolff-type embedding algorithms for general nonlinear σ-models
S Caracciolo, RG Edwards, A Pelissetto, AD Sokal
Nuclear Physics B 403 (1-2), 475-541, 1993
A new Monte-Carlo approach to the critical properties of self-avoiding random walks
CA De Carvalho, S Caracciolo
Journal de Physique 44 (3), 323-331, 1983
Fermionic field theory for trees and forests
S Caracciolo, JL Jacobsen, H Saleur, AD Sokal, A Sportiello
Physical review letters 93 (8), 080601, 2004
Scaling hypothesis for the Euclidean bipartite matching problem
S Caracciolo, C Lucibello, G Parisi, G Sicuro
Physical Review E 90 (1), 012118, 2014
High-precision determination of the critical exponent γ for self-avoiding walks
S Caracciolo, MS Causo, A Pelissetto
Physical Review E 57 (2), R1215, 1998
3d ising spin-glasses in a magnetic field and mean-field theory
S Caracciolo, G Parisi, S Patarnello, N Sourlas
Europhysics Letters 11 (8), 783, 1990
One-loop analytic computation of the energy-momentum tensor for lattice gauge theories
S Caracciolo, P Menotti, A Pelissetto
Nuclear Physics B 375 (1), 195-239, 1992
Nonlocal Monte Carlo algorithm for self-avoiding walks with fixed endpoints
S Caracciolo, A Pelissetto, AD Sokal
Journal of Statistical Physics 60, 1-53, 1990
Low temperature behaviour of 3-D spin glasses in a magnetic field
S Caracciolo, G Parisi, S Patarnello, N Sourlas
Journal de Physique 51 (17), 1877-1895, 1990
Algebraic/combinatorial proofs of Cayley-type identities for derivatives of determinants and pfaffians
S Caracciolo, AD Sokal, A Sportiello
Advances in Applied Mathematics 50 (4), 474-594, 2013
Correction-to-scaling exponents for two-dimensional self-avoiding walks
S Caracciolo, AJ Guttmann, I Jensen, A Pelissetto, AN Rogers, AD Sokal
Journal of statistical physics 120, 1037-1100, 2005
Virial coefficients and osmotic pressure in polymer solutions in good-solvent conditions
S Caracciolo, BM Mognetti, A Pelissetto
The Journal of chemical physics 125 (9), 2006
Corrections to finite-size scaling in the lattice N-vector model for N=∞
S Caracciolo, A Pelissetto
Physical Review D 58 (10), 105007, 1998
New universality classes for two-dimensional σ-models
S Caracciolo, RG Edwards, A Pelissetto, AD Sokal
Physical review letters 71 (24), 3906, 1993
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