Workflow management: models, methods, and systems W Van Der Aalst, KM Van Hee MIT press, 2004 | 3519 | 2004 |
The petri net markup language: Concepts, technology, and tools J Billington, S Christensen, K Van Hee, E Kindler, O Kummer, L Petrucci, ... Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2003: 24th International Conference …, 2003 | 568 | 2003 |
Soundness of workflow nets: classification, decidability, and analysis WMP Van Der Aalst, KM Van Hee, AHM Ter Hofstede, N Sidorova, ... Formal aspects of computing 23, 333-363, 2011 | 565 | 2011 |
Global convergence of genetic algorithms: A Markov chain analysis AE Eiben, EHL Aarts, KM Van Hee Parallel Problem Solving from Nature: 1st Workshop, PPSN I Dortmund, FRG …, 1991 | 504 | 1991 |
Process discovery using integer linear programming JMEM Van der Werf, BF van Dongen, CAJ Hurkens, A Serebrenik International conference on applications and theory of petri nets, 368-387, 2008 | 317 | 2008 |
Business process redesign: A Petri-net-based approach WMP van der Aalst, KM van Hee Computers in industry 29 (1-2), 15-26, 1996 | 252 | 1996 |
Soundness and separability of workflow nets in the stepwise refinement approach K Van Hee, N Sidorova, M Voorhoeve Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2003: 24th International Conference …, 2003 | 190 | 2003 |
Information systems engineering: a formal approach KM Van Hee Cambridge University Press, 1994 | 167 | 1994 |
Workflow Management: Models W Van Der Aalst, K Van Hee Methods and Systems, Cambridge, 2002 | 156 | 2002 |
Modelling and analysing workflow using a Petri-net based approach WMP van der Aalst, KM Van Hee, GJ Houben Proceedings of the second Workshop on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work …, 1994 | 153 | 1994 |
Decision support system for container terminal planning KM Van Hee, RJ Wijbrands European journal of operational research 34 (3), 262-272, 1988 | 135 | 1988 |
Conceptual model for online auditing W Van der Aalst, K Van Hee, JM Van der Werf, A Kumar, M Verdonk Decision Support Systems 50 (3), 636-647, 2011 | 124 | 2011 |
Analysis of discrete‐time stochastic petri nets WMP Van der Aalst, KM Van Hee, HA Reijers Statistica Neerlandica 54 (2), 237-255, 2000 | 121 | 2000 |
Generalised soundness of workflow nets is decidable K Van Hee, N Sidorova, M Voorhoeve Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2004: 25th International Conference …, 2004 | 108 | 2004 |
Bayesian control of Markov chains KM van Hee | 105 | 1978 |
Component-based software architectures: a framework based on inheritance of behavior WMP van der Aalst, KM van Hee, RA van der Toorn Science of computer Programming 42 (2-3), 129-171, 2002 | 103 | 2002 |
Executable specifications for distributed information systems KM van Hee, L Somers, M Voorhoeve Information System Concepts (Proceedings of the IFIP TC 8-WG 8.1 Conference …, 1989 | 98 | 1989 |
Modeling workflow management systems with high-level Petri nets WMP van der Aalst, KM van Hee, G Houben Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work …, 1994 | 94 | 1994 |
Using formal analysis techniques in business process redesign KM van Hee, HA Reijers Business process management: models, techniques, and empirical studies, 142-160, 2002 | 79 | 2002 |
Soundness of resource-constrained workflow nets K Van Hee, A Serebrenik, N Sidorova, M Voorhoeve Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2005: 26th International Conference …, 2005 | 73 | 2005 |