On the alexander–hirschowitz theorem MC Brambilla, G Ottaviani
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 212 (5), 1229-1251, 2008
178 2008 On the dimensions of secant varieties of Segre-Veronese varieties H Abo, MC Brambilla
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 192 (1), 61-92, 2013
60 2013 Secant Varieties of Segre–Veronese Varieties ℙ m× ℙ n Embedded by O (1, 2) H Abo, MC Brambilla
Experimental Mathematics 18 (3), 369-384, 2009
43 2009 Moduli spaces of rank-2 ACM bundles on prime Fano threefolds MC Brambilla, D Faenzi
Michigan Mathematical Journal 60 (1), 113-148, 2011
40 2011 On a notion of speciality of linear systems in ℙⁿ M Brambilla, O Dumitrescu, E Postinghel
Transactions of the American mathematical society 367 (8), 5447-5473, 2015
37 2015 Cokernel bundles and Fibonacci bundles MC Brambilla
Mathematische Nachrichten 281 (4), 499-516, 2008
37 2008 On the effective cone of blown-up at n+ 3 points MC Brambilla, O Dumitrescu, E Postinghel
Experimental Mathematics 25 (4), 452-465, 2016
31 2016 New examples of defective secant varieties of Segre–Veronese varieties H Abo, MC Brambilla
Collectanea mathematica 63 (3), 287-297, 2012
29 2012 Postulation of general quartuple fat point schemes in P3 E Ballico, MC Brambilla
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 213 (6), 1002-1012, 2009
19 2009 Simplicity of generic Steiner bundles MC Brambilla
arXiv preprint math/0309406, 2003
18 2003 Vector bundles on Fano threefolds of genus 7 and Brill–Noether loci MC Brambilla, D Faenzi
International Journal of Mathematics 25 (03), 1450023, 2014
16 2014 Rank-two stable sheaves with odd determinant on Fano threefolds of genus nine MC Brambilla, D Faenzi
Mathematische Zeitschrift 275 (1), 185-210, 2013
16 2013 Postulation of general quintuple fat point schemes in P3 E Ballico, MC Brambilla, F Caruso, M Sala
Journal of Algebra 363, 113-139, 2012
12 2012 Semistability of certain bundles on a quintic Calabi-Yau threefold MC Brambilla
arXiv preprint math/0509599, 2005
12 2005 Vector bundles on Fano threefolds of genus 7 and Brill-Noether loci MC Brambilla, D Faenzi
arXiv preprint arXiv:0810.3138, 2008
11 2008 New multimedia technologies as tools for a modern approach to scientific communication and teaching of mathematical sciences FG Alessio, MC Brambilla, A Calamai, C de Fabritiis, L Demeio, M Franca, ...
The First Outstanding 50 Years of “Università Politecnica delle Marche …, 2019
9 2019 On linear systems of with nine base points MC Brambilla, O Dumitrescu, E Postinghel
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923-) 195 (5), 1551-1574, 2016
9 2016 On partial polynomial interpolation MC Brambilla, G Ottaviani
Linear algebra and its applications 435 (6), 1415-1445, 2011
9 * 2011 Moduli spaces of arithmetically Cohen–Macaulay bundles on Fano manifolds of the principal series, Boll MC Brambilla, D Faenzi
Unione Mat. Ital 2, 71-91, 2009
7 2009 On minimally Terracini finite sets of points in projective spaces E Ballico, MC Brambilla
arXiv, 2023
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