Yeongmin Ko
Cited by
Cited by
Key points estimation and point instance segmentation approach for lane detection
Y Ko, Y Lee, S Azam, F Munir, M Jeon, W Pedrycz
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (7), 8949-8958, 2021
Task-driven deep image enhancement network for autonomous driving in bad weather
Y Lee, J Jeon, Y Ko, B Jeon, M Jeon
2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 13746 …, 2021
Unconstrained road marking recognition with generative adversarial networks
Y Lee, J Lee, Y Hong, YM Ko, M Jeon
2019 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 1414-1419, 2019
Object modeling from 3d point cloud data for self-driving vehicles
S Azam, F Munir, A Rafique, YM Ko, AM Sheri, M Jeon
2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 409-414, 2018
Data fusion of lidar and thermal camera for autonomous driving
S Azam, F Munir, AM Sheri, YM Ko, I Hussain, M Jeon
Applied Industrial Optics: Spectroscopy, Imaging and Metrology, T2A. 5, 2019
Where Am I: Localization and 3D Maps for Autonomous Vehicles.
F Munir, S Azam, AM Sheri, YM Ko, M Jeon
VEHITS 2019, 452-457, 2019
License plate detection via information maximization
Y Lee, J Jeon, Y Ko, M Jeon, W Pedrycz
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (9), 14908-14921, 2021
Spectral-invariant matching network
Y Ko, YJ Jang, VQ Dinh, HG Jeon, M Jeon
Information Fusion 91, 623-632, 2023
Comment on “radial dependence of induced current density and small pixel effect in parallel-plate detectors”
CO Hwang, Y Ko, M Kim, J Lim
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 66 (9), 2153-2155, 2019
Perception-friendly video enhancement for autonomous driving under adverse weather conditions
Y Lee, Y Ko, Y Kim, M Jeon
2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 7760-7767, 2022
Meconvnn-designing memory efficient convolution neural network for visual recognition of aerial emergency situations
U Fatima, J Pyo, YM Ko, M Jeon
International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 499-506, 2023
Light robust monocular depth estimation for outdoor environment via monochrome and color camera fusion
H Jang, Y Ko, Y Lee, M Jeon
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.12108, 2022
Comparative Analysis of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)
MI Hussain, Z Khan, Y Ko, H Akram, M Jeon
한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집, 654-656, 2020
An Encoder-Sequencer-Decoder Network for Lane Detection to Facilitate Autonomous Driving
MI Hussain, MA Rafique, Y Ko, Z Khan, F Olimov, Z Naz, J Kim, M Jeon
2023 23rd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS …, 2023
Reinforcement Learning-Based Odometry Prediction Network Trained Without Ground-Truth
Y Ko, J Pyo, Y Seol, M Jeon
Automation, Robotics & Communications for Industry 4.0/5.0, 118, 2023
클래스별 규제 엔트로피를 이용한 시각적으로 유사한 객체의 분류
김예찬, 이윤관, 고영민, 유형준, 전병관, 전문구
한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집, 567-569, 2021
딥러닝 추론 설명을 위한 입력 데이터 이산화 방법
고영민, 윤용상, 전문구
한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집, 989-991, 2021
강화학습을 이용한 모바일 로봇에서의 딥러닝 기반 오도메트리 추정
고영민, 전문구
제어로봇시스템학회 국내학술대회 논문집, 214-215, 2021
키포인트 검출 기반 차선 인식 방법
고영민, 윤용상, 카울라, 콰디어, 전문구
한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집, 624-626, 2020
Motion Prediction and Obstacle Avoidance for Self-driving Car
F Munir, S Azam, K Yeongmin, J Jeon, M Jeon
한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집, 727-729, 2019
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