Atul Kumar
Atul Kumar
IIT (BHU) Varanasi
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Exact BER analysis of FRFT-OFDM system over frequency selective Rayleigh fading channel with CFO
S Kumari, SK Rai, A Kumar, HD Joshi, AK Singh, R Saxena
Electronics Letters 49 (20), 1299-1301, 2013
Improved Nyquist Pulse Shaping Filters for Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing
A Kumar, M Magarini
Communications (LATINCOM), 2016 8th IEEE Latin-American Conference on 2016 …, 2017
Performance Analysis of Various Waveforms and Coding Schemes in V2X Communication Scenarios
W Anwar, A Kumar, N Franchi, G Fettweis
IEEE WCNC 2020, 2020
PHY Abstraction Techniques for V2X Enabling Technologies: Modeling and Analysis
W Anwar, A Kumar, N Franchi, G Fettweis
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 1-20, 2020
C-RAN Employing xRAN Functional Split: Complexity Analysis for 5G NR Remote Radio Unit
JK Chaudhary, A Kumar, J Bartelt, G Fettweis
EuCNC, 2019
Network under control: Multi-vehicle E2E measurements for AI-based QoS prediction
A Palaios, P Geuer, J Fink, DF Külzer, F Göttsch, M Kasparick, ...
2021 IEEE 32nd Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile …, 2021
Symbol error probability analysis of DFrFT-based OFDM systems with CFO and STO in frequency selective Rayleigh fading channels
A Kumar, M Magarini
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (1), 64-81, 2018
Improving GFDM symbol error rate performance using “better than Nyquist” pulse shaping filters
A Kumar, M Magarini, S Bregni
IEEE Latin America Transactions 15 (7), 1244-1249, 2017
Physical layer performance modeling of modern multicarrier modulation techniques
W Anwar, A Kumar, N Franchi, G Fettweis
IEEE Transactions on Communications 70 (6), 3725-3741, 2022
Performance Analysis using Physical Layer Abstraction Modeling for 5G and Beyond Waveforms
W Anwar, A Kumar, N Franchi, G Fettweis
IEEE Globecom, 2019
Fault recovery in time-synchronized mission critical ZigBee-based wireless sensor networks
D Scazzoli, A Kumar, N Sharma, M Magarini, G Verticale
International Journal of Wireless Information Networks 24, 268-277, 2017
Impact of “Better than Nyquist” Pulse Shaping in GFDM PHY with LTE-Compatible Frame Structure
A Kumar, M Magarini, S Bregni
Performance comparison of blind and non-blind channel equalizers using artificial neural networks
SS Ranhotra, A Kumar, M Magarini, A Mishra
2017 Ninth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN …, 2017
A Novel Technique for ZigBee Coordinator Failure Recovery and Its Impact on Timing Synchronization
D Scazzoli, A Kumar, N Sharma, M Magarini, G Verticale
Impact of Pulse Shaping Design on OOB Emission and Error Probability of GFDM
S Kalsotra, AK Kumar, HD Joshi, AK Singh, K Dev, Magarini, Maurizio
WF-5G'19, 2019
Driver fatigue detection
I Girish, A Kumar, A Kumar, M Anuradha
2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 1-6, 2020
Impact of CFO on Low Latency-Enabled UAV using "Better than Nyquist" Pulse Shaping in GFDM
N Sharma, A Kumar, M Magarini
VTC2019-Spring in Kuala Lumpur, 2019
Exact SER Analysis of DFrFT-based QPSK OFDM System over Frequency Selective Rayleigh Fading Channel with CFO
A Kumar, M Magarini, HD Joshi, R Saxena
Journal of Computer Networks and Communications 2016 (Article ID 2804507), 7, 2016
Aerial base station assisted cellular communication: Performance and trade-off
N Sharma, A Kumar, H Pervaiz, M Magarini, L Musavian, MM Alam, ...
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 8 (4), 2765-2779, 2021
On the Modelling of Inter-sub-symbol Interference in GFDM Transmission
A Kumar, M Magarini
IEEE Communications Letters, 1-5, 2019
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Articles 1–20