Gian Piero Deidda
Gian Piero Deidda
Professore di Geofisica Applicata, Univerity of Cagliari
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Noninvasive characterization of the Trecate (Italy) crude-oil contaminated site: links between contamination and geophysical signals
G Cassiani, A Binley, A Kemna, M Wehrer, AF Orozco, R Deiana, J Boaga, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 8914-8931, 2014
Some considerations on shallow seismic reflection surveys
M Feroci, L Orlando, R Balia, C Bosman, E Cardarelli, G Deidda
Journal of Applied Geophysics 45 (2), 127-139, 2000
Geophone and method for the study of eleastic wave phenomena
L Sambuelli, GP Deidda
US Patent 6,366,537, 2002
An ultrashallow SH‐wave seismic reflection experiment on a subsurface ground model
GP Deidda, R Balia
Geophysics 66 (4), 1097-1104, 2001
Regularized solution of a nonlinear problem in electromagnetic sounding
GP Deidda, C Fenu, G Rodriguez
Inverse Problems 30 (12), 125014, 2014
A field-scale remediation of residual light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL): chemical enhancers for pump and treat
P Ciampi, C Esposito, G Cassiani, GP Deidda, P Rizzetto, MP Papini
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28 (26), 35286-35296, 2021
Delineation of hydrocarbon contaminants with multi-frequency complex conductivity imaging
AF Orozco, P Ciampi, T Katona, M Censini, MP Papini, GP Deidda, ...
Science of the Total Environment 768, 144997, 2021
Geophysical investigations unravel the vestiges of ancient meandering channels and their dynamics in tidal landscapes
J Boaga, M Ghinassi, A D’Alpaos, GP Deidda, G Rodriguez, G Cassiani
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 1708, 2018
Inversion of electrical conductivity data with Tikhonov regularization approach: some considerations
GP Deidda, E Bonomi, C Manzi
Annals of Geophysics 46 (3), 2003
Calibrating electromagnetic induction conductivities with time-domain reflectometry measurements
G Dragonetti, A Comegna, A Ajeel, GP Deidda, N Lamaddalena, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (2), 1509-1523, 2018
Contamination presence and dynamics at a polluted site: Spatial analysis of integrated data and joint conceptual modeling approach
P Ciampi, C Esposito, G Cassiani, GP Deidda, A Flores-Orozco, ...
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 248, 104026, 2022
Seismic tomography imaging of an unstable embankment
GP Deidda, G Ranieri
Engineering geology 82 (1), 32-42, 2005
Identifying the magnetic permeability in multi-frequency EM data inversion
G Deidda, P DIAZ DE ALBA, G Rodriguez
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 47, 1-17, 2017
Resolving the thickness of peat deposits with contact-less electromagnetic methods: A case study in the Venice coastland
J Boaga, A Viezzoli, G Cassiani, GP Deidda, L Tosi, S Silvestri
Science of The Total Environment 737, 139361, 2020
FDEMtools: a MATLAB package for FDEM data inversion
GP Deidda, P Díaz de Alba, C Fenu, G Lovicu, G Rodriguez
Numerical Algorithms 84, 1313-1327, 2020
Comparison of standard horizontal geophones and newly designed horizontal detectors
L Sambuelli, GP Deidda, G Albis, E Giorcelli, G Tristano
Geophysics 66 (6), 1827-1837, 2001
Some SH‐wave seismic reflections from depths of less than three metres
GP Deidda, G Ranieri
Geophysical Prospecting 49 (5), 499-508, 2001
Flow dynamics in hyper-saline aquifers: hydro-geophysical monitoring and modeling
K Haaken, GP Deidda, G Cassiani, R Deiana, M Putti, C Paniconi, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (3), 1439-1454, 2017
Common-reflection-surface imaging of shallow and ultrashallow reflectors
GP Deidda, E Battaglia, Z Heilmann
Geophysics 77 (4), B177-B185, 2012
Inversion of multiconfiguration complex EMI data with minimum gradient support regularization: a case study
GP Deidda, P Díaz de Alba, G Rodriguez, G Vignoli
Mathematical Geosciences 52 (7), 945-970, 2020
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20