Simone Pecorino
Cited by
Cited by
Upper and lower bounds to the information rate transferred through first-order Markov channels with free-running continuous state
L Barletta, M Magarini, S Pecorino, A Spalvieri
IEEE transactions on information theory 60 (7), 3834-3844, 2014
Bootstrapping iterative demodulation and decoding without pilot symbols
S Pecorino, S Mandelli, L Barletta, M Magarini, A Spalvieri
Journal of Lightwave Technology 33 (17), 3613-3622, 2015
Phase noise impact on directly detected optical OFDM transmission in uncompensated links
S Mandelli, A Gatto, M Magarini, P Boffi, P Martelli, S Pecorino, A Spalvieri
2016 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 1-4, 2016
Real-time multichannel speech separation and enhancement using a beamspace-domain-based lightweight CNN
M Olivieri, L Comanducci, M Pezzoli, D Balsarri, L Menescardi, M Buccoli, ...
ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2023
On discrete-time modeling of the filtered and symbol-rate sampled continuous-time signal affected by Wiener phase noise
S Mandelli, M Magarini, A Spalvieri, S Pecorino
Optical Switching and Networking 18, 96-103, 2015
Analog nonlinear MIMO receiver for optical mode division multiplexing transmission
A Spalvieri, P Boffi, S Pecorino, L Barletta, M Magarini, A Gatto, P Martelli, ...
Optics express 21 (21), 25174-25183, 2013
Sensitivity of a concatenated coded modulation scheme with pilot-aided demodulation to phase noise
A Spalvieri, S Pecorino
2017 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite …, 2017
FPGA implementation and performance of joint crest factor reduction and adaptive predistortion
A Spalvieri, S Pecorino
2017 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite …, 2017
Information rate of channels with memory by Bayesian tracking
S Pecorino
Politecnico di Milano, 2016
Bounds on the information rate of Markov channels with free-running continuous state
L Barletta
Direct detection analog nonlinear MIMO for mode-division multiplexing in fiber
A Spalvieri, P Boffi, S Pecorino, M Magarini, A Gatto, P Martelli, ...
Fotonica 2013, 2013
Trasmissione multimodale di vortici circolari in fibra ottica
Politecnico di Milano, 2011
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Articles 1–12