Michele Roccato
Michele Roccato
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Cited by
Drivers of farmers’ intention to adopt technological innovations in Italy: The role of information sources, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use
F Caffaro, MM Cremasco, M Roccato, E Cavallo
Journal of Rural Studies 76, 264-271, 2020
On the correlation between right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation
M Roccato, L Ricolfi
Basic and applied social psychology 27 (3), 187-200, 2005
Fear of crime in Italy: Spread and determinants
R Miceli, M Roccato, R Rosato
Environment and Behavior 36 (6), 776-789, 2004
Is fear of crime mainly social and economic insecurity in disguise? A multilevel multinational analysis
A Vieno, M Roccato, S Russo
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 23 (6), 519-535, 2013
A predictive model for psychological reactions to crime in Italy: An analysis of fear of crime and concern about crime as a social problem
P Amerio, M Roccato
Journal of community & applied social psychology 15 (1), 17-28, 2005
How long does victimization foster fear of crime? A longitudinal study
S Russo, M Roccato
Journal of community psychology 38 (8), 960-974, 2010
Six factors fostering protest: Predicting participation in locally unwanted land uses movements
T Mannarini, M Roccato, A Fedi, A Rovere
Political Psychology 30 (6), 895-920, 2009
Between ideology and social representations: Four theses plus (a new) one on the relevance and the meaning of the political left and right
P Corbetta, N Cavazza, M Roccato
European Journal of Political Research 48 (5), 622-641, 2009
From political opponents to enemies? The role of perceived moral distance in the animalistic dehumanization of the political outgroup
MG Pacilli, M Roccato, S Pagliaro, S Russo
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 19 (3), 360-373, 2016
Predicting the vote through implicit and explicit attitudes: A field research
M Roccato, C Zogmaister
Political Psychology 31 (2), 249-274, 2010
Societal threat to safety, compensatory control, and right‐wing authoritarianism
A Mirisola, M Roccato, S Russo, G Spagna, A Vieno
Political Psychology 35 (6), 795-812, 2014
Criminal victimization and crime risk perception: A multilevel longitudinal study
S Russo, M Roccato, A Vieno
Social Indicators Research 112, 535-548, 2013
Desiderabilitą sociale e acquiescenza: Alcune trappole delle inchieste e dei sondaggi
M Roccato
Led, 2003
Right‐wing authoritarianism, Big Five and perceived threat to safety
F Dallago, M Roccato
European Journal of Personality: Published for the European Association of …, 2010
Sexualized victims of stranger harassment and victim blaming: The moderating role of right-wing authoritarianism
F Spaccatini, MG Pacilli, I Giovannelli, M Roccato, G Penone
Sexuality & Culture 23 (3), 811-825, 2019
An ergonomic approach to sustainable development: The role of information environment and social‐psychological variables in the adoption of agri‐environmental innovations
F Caffaro, M Roccato, M Micheletti Cremasco, E Cavallo
Sustainable Development 27 (6), 1049-1062, 2019
Psychological reactions to crime in Italy: 2002–2004
P Amerio, M Roccato
Journal of Community Psychology 35 (1), 91-102, 2007
Predicting perceived risk of crime: A multilevel study
S Russo, M Roccato, A Vieno
American Journal of Community Psychology 48, 384-394, 2011
System justification moderates the relation between hostile (but not benevolent) sexism in the workplace and state anxiety: An experimental study
MG Pacilli, F Spaccatini, I Giovannelli, D Centrone, M Roccato
The Journal of social psychology 159 (4), 474-481, 2019
The false consensus effect: A trigger of radicalization in locally unwanted land uses conflicts?
T Mannarini, M Roccato, S Russo
Journal of Environmental Psychology 42, 76-81, 2015
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Articles 1–20