Marian Krajci
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Cited by
Shear deformation, ideal strength, and stacking fault formation of fcc metals: A density-functional study of Al and Cu
M Jahnátek, J Hafner, M Krajčí
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (22), 224103, 2009
Atomic and electronic structure of icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn alloys and approximant phases
M Krajčí, M Windisch, J Hafner, G Kresse, M Mihalkovič
Physical Review B 51 (24), 17355, 1995
Electronic structure and stability of quasicrystals: Quasiperiodic dispersion relations and pseudogaps
J Hafner, M Krajčí
Physical review letters 68 (15), 2321, 1992
Electronic structure of quasicrystalline Al-Zn-Mg alloys and related crystalline, amorphous, and liquid phases
J Hafner, M Krajci
Physical Review B 47 (18), 11795, 1993
Interatomic bonding, elastic properties, and ideal strength of transition metal aluminides: A case study for
M Jahnátek, M Krajčí, J Hafner
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (2), 024101, 2005
Formation of magnetic moments in crystalline, quasicrystalline, and liquid Al-Mn alloys
J Hafner, M Krajčí
Physical Review B 57 (5), 2849, 1998
Surface vacancies at the fivefold icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystal surface: A comparison of ab initio calculated and experimental STM images
M Krajčí, J Hafner, J Ledieu, R McGrath
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (2), 024202, 2006
Propagating and confined vibrational excitations in quasicrystals
J Hafner, M Krajci
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 5 (16), 2489, 1993
Structure, stability, and electronic properties of the -AlPdMn quasicrystalline surface
M Krajčí, J Hafner
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (5), 054202, 2005
Covalent bonding and bandgap formation in transition-metal aluminides: di-aluminides of group VIII transition metals
M Krajcí, J Hafner
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14 (23), 5755, 2002
Complex intermetallic compounds as selective hydrogenation catalysts–A case study for the (1 0 0) surface of Al13Co4
M Krajčí, J Hafner
Journal of catalysis 278 (2), 200-207, 2011
Propagating and localized vibrational modes in Ni-Zr glasses
J Hafner, M Krajci
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 6 (25), 4631, 1994
Intermetallic compounds as selective heterogeneous catalysts: insights from DFT
M Krajčí, J Hafner
ChemCatChem 8 (1), 34-48, 2016
Atomic and electronic structure of decagonal Al-Pd-Mn alloys and approximant phases
M Krajci, J Hafner, M Mihalkovic
Physical Review B 55 (2), 843, 1997
Ab initio study of quasiperiodic monolayers on a fivefold surface
M Krajčí, J Hafner
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (18), 184207, 2005
Structure and lattice dynamics of rational approximants to icosahedral Al-Cu-Li
M Windisch, J Hafner, M Krajčí, M Mihalkovič
Physical Review B 49 (13), 8701, 1994
Electronic structure and transport properties of decagonal Al-Cu-Co alloys
M Krajčí, J Hafner, M Mihalkovič
Physical Review B 56 (6), 3072, 1997
Nucleation of Pb starfish clusters on the five-fold Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystal surface
J Ledieu, M Krajčí, J Hafner, L Leung, LH Wearing, R McGrath, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (16), 165430, 2009
Intermetallic compound AlPd as a selective hydrogenation catalyst: a DFT study
M Krajci, J Hafner
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (10), 6307-6319, 2012
Electronic structure in icosahedral AlCuLi quasicrystals and approximant crystals
M Windisch, M Krajci, J Hafner
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 6 (35), 6977, 1994
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