Sampath Kannan
Sampath Kannan
Professor, Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania
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Secure data interchange
FSM Herz, WP Labys, DC Parkes, S Kannan, JM Eisner
US Patent App. 12/417,747, 2009
Secure data interchange
FSM Herz, WP Labys, DC Parkes, S Kannan, JM Eisner
US Patent 7,630,986, 2009
Designing programs that check their work
M Blum, S Kannan
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 42 (1), 269-291, 1995
Checking the correctness of memories
M Blum, W Evans, P Gemmell, S Kannan, M Naor
Algorithmica 12, 225-244, 1994
On graph problems in a semi-streaming model
J Feigenbaum, S Kannan, A McGregor, S Suri, J Zhang
Theoretical Computer Science 348 (2-3), 207-216, 2005
Implicit representation of graphs
S Kannan, M Naor, S Rudich
Proceedings of the twentieth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 1988
An Approximate L1 -Difference Algorithm for Massive Data Streams
J Feigenbaum, S Kannan, MJ Strauss, M Viswanathan
SIAM Journal on Computing 32 (1), 131-151, 2002
Java-MaC: A run-time assurance approach for Java programs
M Kim, M Viswanathan, S Kannan, I Lee, O Sokolsky
Formal methods in system design 24, 129-155, 2004
F Ergün, S Kannan, SR Kumar, R Rubinfeld, M Viswanathan
Proceedings of the thirtieth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 1998
Randomized pursuit-evasion in a polygonal environment
V Isler, S Kannan, S Khanna
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 21 (5), 875-884, 2005
Java-MaC: a run-time assurance tool for Java programs
M Kim, S Kannan, I Lee, O Sokolsky, M Viswanathan
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 55 (2), 218-235, 2001
Runtime assurance based on formal specifications
I Lee, S Kannan, M Kim, O Sokolsky, M Viswanathan
International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques …, 1999
The relationship between public key encryption and oblivious transfer
Y Gertner, S Kannan, T Malkin, O Reingold, M Viswanathan
Proceedings 41st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 325-335, 2000
Oracles and queries that are sufficient for exact learning
NH Bshouty, R Cleve, S Kannan, C Tamon
Proceedings of the seventh annual conference on Computational learning …, 1994
A robust model for finding optimal evolutionary trees
M Farach, S Kannan, T Warnow
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing …, 1993
Formally specified monitoring of temporal properties
M Kim, M Viswanathan, H Ben-Abdallah, S Kannan, I Lee, O Sokolsky
Proceedings of 11th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems. Euromicro RTS …, 1999
Reconstructing strings from random traces
T Batu, S Kannan, S Khanna, A McGregor
SODA 4, 910-918, 2004
Communicating hierarchical state machines
R Alur, S Kannan, M Yannakakis
Automata, Languages and Programming: 26th International Colloquium, ICALP’99 …, 2002
Graph distances in the streaming model: the value of space.
J Feigenbaum, S Kannan, A McGregor, S Suri, J Zhang
SODA 5, 745-754, 2005
Graph distances in the data-stream model
J Feigenbaum, S Kannan, A McGregor, S Suri, J Zhang
SIAM Journal on Computing 38 (5), 1709-1727, 2009
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20