Niels Pinkwart
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Computer-supported argumentation: A review of the state of the art
O Scheuer, F Loll, N Pinkwart, BM McLaren
International Journal of Computer-supported collaborative learning 5, 43-102, 2010
Predicting MOOC dropout over weeks using machine learning methods
M Kloft, F Stiehler, Z Zheng, N Pinkwart
Proceedings of the EMNLP 2014 workshop on analysis of large scale social …, 2014
Educational scenarios for cooperative use of Personal Digital Assistants
N Pinkwart, HU Hoppe, M Milrad, J Perez
Journal of computer assisted learning 19 (3), 383-391, 2003
Defining ill-defined domains; a literature survey
CF Lynch, KD Ashley, V Aleven, N Pinkwart
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2006): Workshop on Intelligent Tutoring …, 2006
Another 25 years of AIED? Challenges and opportunities for intelligent educational technologies of the future
N Pinkwart
International journal of artificial intelligence in education 26, 771-783, 2016
A framework to foster problem-solving in STEM and computing education
B Priemer, K Eilerts, A Filler, N Pinkwart, B Rösken-Winter, R Tiemann, ...
Research in Science & Technological Education 38 (1), 105-130, 2020
Concepts, structures, and goals: Redefining ill-definedness
C Lynch, KD Ashley, N Pinkwart, V Aleven
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 19 (3), 253-266, 2009
Training computational thinking: Game-based unplugged and plugged-in activities in primary school
K Tsarava, K Moeller, N Pinkwart, M Butz, U Trautwein, M Ninaus
European conference on games based learning, 687-695, 2017
A plug-in architecture for graph based collaborative modeling systems
N Pinkwart
11th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 89-94, 2003
Extending a virtual chemistry laboratory with a collaboration script to promote conceptual learning
D Tsovaltzi, N Rummel, BM McLaren, N Pinkwart, O Scheuer, A Harrer, ...
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 2 (1-2), 91-110, 2010
Serious games to improve social and emotional intelligence in children with autism
A Hassan, N Pinkwart, M Shafi
Entertainment computing 38, 100417, 2021
Automatic question generation for educational applications–the state of art
NT Le, T Kojiri, N Pinkwart
Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineering: Proceedings of the …, 2014
Building bridges within learning communities through ontologies and “thematic objects”
U Hoppe, N Pinkwart, M Oelinger, S Zeini, F Verdejo, B Barros, ...
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2005, 211-220, 2017
Evaluating an intelligent tutoring system for making legal arguments with hypotheticals
N Pinkwart, K Ashley, C Lynch, V Aleven
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 19 (4), 401-424, 2009
A review of AI-supported tutoring approaches for learning programming
NT Le, S Strickroth, S Gross, N Pinkwart
Advanced computational methods for knowledge engineering, 267-279, 2013
Toward legal argument instruction with graph grammars and collaborative filtering techniques
N Pinkwart, V Aleven, K Ashley, C Lynch
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 8th International Conference, ITS 2006 …, 2006
Review and discussion of children’s conceptions of computers
MT Rücker, N Pinkwart
Journal of Science Education and Technology 25, 274-283, 2016
Operationalizing the continuum between well-defined and ill-defined problems for educational technology
NT Le, F Loll, N Pinkwart
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 6 (3), 258-270, 2013
An Ensemble Method to Predict Student Performance in an Online Math Learning Environment.
M Stapel, Z Zheng, N Pinkwart
International Educational Data Mining Society, 2016
The continuous hint factory-providing hints in vast and sparsely populated edit distance spaces
B Paaßen, B Hammer, TW Price, T Barnes, S Gross, N Pinkwart
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.06564, 2017
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20