Lara P Tavares
Lara P Tavares
Professor of Economics and Demography, ISCSP, ULisboa
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Cited by
Yearning, learning, and conceding: Reasons men and women change their childbearing intentions
M Iacovou, LP Tavares
Population and development review 37 (1), 89-123, 2011
The effect of grandparental support on mothers’ labour market participation: An instrumental variable approach
B Arpino, CD Pronzato, LP Tavares
European Journal of Population 30, 369-390, 2014
Fertility and values in Italy and Spain: A look at regional differences within the European context
B Arpino, LP Tavares
Population Review 52 (1), 2013
Psychological distress of marital and cohabitation breakups
LP Tavares, A Aassve
Social science research 42 (6), 1599-1611, 2013
Who delays childbearing? The relationships between fertility, education and personality traits
LP Tavares
ISER working paper series, 2010
All in the family: informal childcare and mothers' labour market participation
B Arpino, C Pronzato, L Tavares
ISER Working Paper Series, 2010
Who delays childbearing? The associations between time to first birth, personality traits and education
LP Tavares
European Journal of Population 32, 575-597, 2016
Inequity in healthcare use among older people after 2008: The case of southern European countries
LP Tavares, F Zantomio
Health Policy 121 (10), 1063-1071, 2017
Mothers' labour market participation: Do grandparents make it easier?
B Arpino, CD Pronzato, LP Tavares
IZA Discussion Papers, 2012
Responding to everyday problems and crises: Measuring community resilience
LP Tavares, S Luís, J Henriques, HÁ Marujo, SP Gonçalves, C Rivero
Journal of Community Psychology 51 (4), 1560-1570, 2023
Fertility, economic uncertainty and the Covid-19 pandemic: Before and after
LP Tavares, AB Azevedo, B Arpino
OSF, 2022
Age at first birth, education and personality
L Tavares
ISER WP, University of Essex, Colchester: Institute for Social and Economic …, 2008
Is schooling of migrants’ children more like that of their parents, their cousins, or their neighbours?
PT Pereira, LP Tavares
Journal of International Migration and Integration/Revue de l'integration et …, 2000
Género, educação e trabalho: Diferenças e similitudes nas trajetórias de rapazes e raparigas entre os 13 e os 21 anos
A Torres, F Serra, L Tavares, F Assuncao, R Brites, D Carvalho, D Maciel, ...
Atas do VIII Congresso Português de Sociologia: 40 anos de democracias …, 2014
Mothers labor market participation
B Arpino, C Pronzato, L Tavares
Do grandparents make it easier, 2012
Salário médio em Portugal: retrato atual e evolução recente
P Ferreira, LP Tavares, MC Lopes
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2021
The value of Portuguese railways for consumers on the eve of the First World War
ME Mata, LP de Moura Tavares
TST: Transportes, Servicios y Telecomunicaciones, 81-100, 2003
O Salário Médio em Portugal
P Ferreira, MC Lopes, LP Tavares
Gulbenkian, 2021
Non-cognitive skills, parenting practices and academic success
L Tavares
British Household Panel Survey Conference, 2007
Parents, children, and non-cognitive skills
LP Tavares
The University of Essex, 2009
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Articles 1–20