Prof Qing Dai
Prof Qing Dai
School of Materials Science and Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University
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Cited by
Cited by
Towards optimal single-photon sources from polarized microcavities
H Wang, YM He, TH Chung, H Hu, Y Yu, S Chen, X Ding, MC Chen, J Qin, ...
Nature Photonics 13 (11), 770-775, 2019
Modern scattering‐type scanning near‐field optical microscopy for advanced material research
X Chen, D Hu, R Mescall, G You, DN Basov, Q Dai, M Liu
Advanced Materials 31 (24), 1804774, 2019
On-demand semiconductor source of entangled photons which simultaneously has high fidelity, efficiency, and indistinguishability
H Wang, H Hu, TH Chung, J Qin, X Yang, JP Li, RZ Liu, HS Zhong, YM He, ...
Physical review letters 122 (11), 113602, 2019
Far-field nanoscale infrared spectroscopy of vibrational fingerprints of molecules with graphene plasmons
H Hu, X Yang, F Zhai, D Hu, R Liu, K Liu, Z Sun, Q Dai
Nature communications 7 (1), 12334, 2016
Gas identification with graphene plasmons
H Hu, X Yang, X Guo, K Khaliji, SR Biswas, FJ García de Abajo, T Low, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1131, 2019
Nanomaterial‐based plasmon‐enhanced infrared spectroscopy
X Yang, Z Sun, T Low, H Hu, X Guo, FJ García de Abajo, P Avouris, Q Dai
Advanced Materials 30 (20), 1704896, 2018
Ghost hyperbolic surface polaritons in bulk anisotropic crystals
W Ma, G Hu, D Hu, R Chen, T Sun, X Zhang, Q Dai, Y Zeng, A Alù, ...
Nature 596 (7872), 362-366, 2021
A MoSe2/WSe2 Heterojunction‐Based Photodetector at Telecommunication Wavelengths
H Xue, Y Wang, Y Dai, W Kim, H Jussila, M Qi, J Susoma, Z Ren, Q Dai, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (47), 1804388, 2018
Direct observation of highly confined phonon polaritons in suspended monolayer hexagonal boron nitride
N Li, X Guo, X Yang, R Qi, T Qiao, Y Li, R Shi, Y Li, K Liu, Z Xu, L Liu, ...
Nature Materials 20 (1), 43-48, 2021
Probing optical anisotropy of nanometer-thin van der waals microcrystals by near-field imaging
D Hu, X Yang, C Li, R Liu, Z Yao, H Hu, SNG Corder, J Chen, Z Sun, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1471, 2017
Thermoplasmonics in solar energy conversion: materials, nanostructured designs, and applications
B Yang, C Li, Z Wang, Q Dai
Advanced Materials 34 (26), 2107351, 2022
Terahertz nanoimaging of graphene
J Zhang, X Chen, S Mills, T Ciavatti, Z Yao, R Mescall, H Hu, ...
ACS Photonics 5 (7), 2645-2651, 2018
Broadly tunable graphene plasmons using an ion-gel top gate with low control voltage
H Hu, F Zhai, D Hu, Z Li, B Bai, X Yang, Q Dai
Nanoscale 7 (46), 19493-19500, 2015
Doping-driven topological polaritons in graphene/α-MoO3 heterostructures
H Hu, N Chen, H Teng, R Yu, Y Qu, J Sun, M Xue, D Hu, B Wu, C Li, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 17 (9), 940-946, 2022
Far‐field spectroscopy and near‐field optical imaging of coupled Plasmon–phonon polaritons in 2D van der Waals heterostructures
X Yang, F Zhai, H Hu, D Hu, R Liu, S Zhang, M Sun, Z Sun, J Chen, Q Dai
Advanced materials 28 (15), 2931-2938, 2016
Graphene-based ultrathin flat lenses
XT Kong, AA Khan, PR Kidambi, S Deng, AK Yetisen, B Dlubak, P Hiralal, ...
Acs Photonics 2 (2), 200-207, 2015
Carbon nanotube based high resolution holograms
H Butt, Y Montelongo, T Butler, R Rajesekharan, Q Dai, SG Shiva‐Reddy, ...
Advanced materials 24 (44), OP331-OP336, 2012
Gate-tunable negative refraction of mid-infrared polaritons
H Hu, N Chen, H Teng, R Yu, M Xue, K Chen, Y Xiao, Y Qu, D Hu, J Chen, ...
Science 379 (6632), 558-561, 2023
THz near-field imaging of extreme subwavelength metal structures
X Chen, X Liu, X Guo, S Chen, H Hu, E Nikulina, X Ye, Z Yao, HA Bechtel, ...
ACS Photonics 7 (3), 687-694, 2020
Ultrafast Field‐Emission Electron Sources Based on Nanomaterials
S Zhou, K Chen, MT Cole, Z Li, J Chen, C Li, Q Dai
Advanced Materials 31 (45), 1805845, 2019
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Articles 1–20