Francesco Quochi
Francesco Quochi
Full professor @ Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Cagliari, Italy
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Third-order nonlinearities in silicon at telecom wavelengths
M Dinu, F Quochi, H Garcia
Applied physics letters 82 (18), 2954-2956, 2003
Correlated electron–hole plasma in organometal perovskites
M Saba, M Cadelano, D Marongiu, F Chen, V Sarritzu, N Sestu, C Figus, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 5049, 2014
Optical determination of Shockley-Read-Hall and interface recombination currents in hybrid perovskites
V Sarritzu, N Sestu, D Marongiu, X Chang, S Masi, A Rizzo, S Colella, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 44629, 2017
Absorption F-sum rule for the exciton binding energy in methylammonium lead halide perovskites
N Sestu, M Cadelano, V Sarritzu, F Chen, D Marongiu, R Piras, M Mainas, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 6 (22), 4566-4572, 2015
Excited state properties of hybrid perovskites
M Saba, F Quochi, A Mura, G Bongiovanni
Accounts of chemical research 49 (1), 166-173, 2016
Solution-processable near-IR photodetectors based on electron transfer from PbS nanocrystals to fullerene derivatives
K Szendrei, F Cordella, MV Kovalenko, M Böberl, G Hesser, M Yarema, ...
Advanced Materials 21 (6), 683-+, 2009
Gain amplification and lasing properties of individual organic nanofibers
F Quochi, F Cordella, A Mura, G Bongiovanni, F Balzer, HG Rubahn
Applied Physics Letters 88 (4), 2006
Random laser action in self-organized para-sexiphenyl nanofibers grown by hot-wall epitaxy
F Quochi, F Cordella, R Orru, JE Communal, P Verzeroli, A Mura, ...
Applied Physics Letters 84 (22), 4454-4456, 2004
The role of excitons in 3D and 2D lead halide perovskites
D Marongiu, M Saba, F Quochi, A Mura, G Bongiovanni
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7 (39), 12006-12018, 2019
One-dimensional random lasing in a single organic nanofiber
F Quochi, F Cordella, A Mura, G Bongiovanni, F Balzer, HG Rubahn
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (46), 21690-21693, 2005
Strongly driven semiconductor microcavities: from the polariton doublet to an ac stark triplet
F Quochi, G Bongiovanni, A Mura, JL Staehli, B Deveaud, RP Stanley, ...
Physical review letters 80 (21), 4733, 1998
Exciton–exciton interaction and optical gain in colloidal CdSe/CdS dot/rod nanocrystals
M Saba, S Minniberger, F Quochi, J Roither, M Marceddu, A Gocalinska, ...
Advanced Materials 21 (48), 4942-4946, 2009
Structure and Emission Properties of Er3Q9 (Q = 8-Quinolinolate)
F Artizzu, P Deplano, L Marchio, ML Mercuri, L Pilia, A Serpe, F Quochi, ...
Inorganic chemistry 44 (4), 840-842, 2005
Can trihalide Lead perovskites support continuous wave lasing?
M Cadelano, V Sarritzu, N Sestu, D Marongiu, F Chen, R Piras, R Corpino, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 3 (11), 1557-1564, 2015
Colloidal Bi2S3 Nanocrystals: Quantum Size Effects and Midgap States
M Aresti, M Saba, R Piras, D Marongiu, G Mula, F Quochi, A Mura, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 24 (22), 3341-3350, 2014
Direct or indirect bandgap in hybrid lead halide perovskites?
V Sarritzu, N Sestu, D Marongiu, X Chang, Q Wang, S Masi, S Colella, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 6 (10), 1701254, 2018
Optical properties of strained antimonide-based heterostructures
M Dinu, JE Cunningham, F Quochi, J Shah
Journal of applied physics 94 (3), 1506-1512, 2003
Near infrared light emission quenching in organolanthanide complexes
F Quochi, R Orru, F Cordella, A Mura, G Bongiovanni, F Artizzu, ...
Journal of applied physics 99 (5), 2006
New Insights on Near‐Infrared Emitters Based on Er‐quinolinolate Complexes: Synthesis, Characterization, Structural, and Photophysical Properties
F Artizzu, L Marchiò, ML Mercuri, L Pilia, A Serpe, F Quochi, R Orru, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 17 (14), 2365-2376, 2007
Highly emissive nanostructured thin films of organic host–guests for energy conversion
J Moreau, U Giovanella, JP Bombenger, W Porzio, V Vohra, L Spadacini, ...
ChemPhysChem 10 (4), 647-653, 2009
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20