Katherine Chudoba
Katherine Chudoba
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Cited by
Bridging space over time: Global virtual team dynamics and effectiveness
ML Maznevski, KM Chudoba
Organization science 11 (5), 473-492, 2000
IT road warriors: Balancing work-family conflict, job autonomy, and work overload to mitigate turnover intentions
MK Ahuja, KM Chudoba, CJ Kacmar, DH McKnight, JF George
MIS quarterly, 1-17, 2007
How virtual are we? Measuring virtuality and understanding its impact in a global organization
KM Chudoba, E Wynn, M Lu, MB Watson‐Manheim
Information systems journal 15 (4), 279-306, 2005
Discontinuities and continuities: A new way to understand virtual work
M Beth Watson‐Manheim, KM Chudoba, K Crowston
Information technology & people 15 (3), 191-209, 2002
Getting away from them all: Managing exhaustion from social interaction with telework
JB Windeler, KM Chudoba, RZ Sundrup
Journal of Organizational Behavior 38 (7), 977-995, 2017
Perceived discontinuities and constructed continuities in virtual work
MB Watson‐Manheim, KM Chudoba, K Crowston
Information systems journal 22 (1), 29-52, 2012
Virtuality and team performance: Understanding the impact of variety of practices
M Lu, MB Watson-Manheim, KM Chudoba, E Wynn
Journal of Global Information Technology Management 9 (1), 4-23, 2006
Attitudes toward computers: when do they predict computer use?
SJ Winter, KM Chudoba, BA Gutek
Information & Management 34 (5), 275-284, 1998
Overworked and isolated? Predicting the effect of work-family conflict, autonomy, and workload on organizational commitment and turnover of virtual workers
M Ahuja, KM Chudoba, JF George, C Kacmar, H McKnight
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2002
Misplaced resources? Factors associated with computer literacy among end-users
SJ Winter, KM Chudoba, BA Gutek
Information & Management 32 (1), 29-42, 1997
IS programs responding to industry demands for data scientists: A comparison between 2011-2016
RJ Mills, KM Chudoba, DH Olsen
Journal of Information Systems Education 27 (2), 131, 2016
Inscription and interpretation of text: A cultural hermeneutic examination of virtual community
G Burnett, MH Dickey, MM Kazmer, KM Chudoba
Information Research 9 (1), 9-1, 2003
Do you know what I know? A shared understandings perspective on text-based communication
MH Dickey, MML Wasko, KM Chudoba, J Bennett Thatcher
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 12 (1), 66-87, 2006
Do you read me? Perspective making and perspective taking in chat communities
MH Dickey, G Burnett, KM Chudoba, MM Kazmer
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 8 (1), 4, 2007
Perceived discontinuities and continuities in transdisciplinary scientific working groups
K Crowston, A Specht, C Hoover, KM Chudoba, MB Watson-Manheim
Science of The Total Environment 534, 159-172, 2015
Appropriations and patterns in the use of group support systems
KM Chudoba
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 30 (3 …, 1999
A new perspective on" virtual": analyzing discontinuities in the work environment
MB Watson-Manheim, K Crowston, KM Chudoba
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2002
Investigating the relationship between perceived risks in communication and ICT-enabled communicative behaviors
CS Lee, MB Watson-Manheim, KM Chudoba
Information & management 51 (6), 688-699, 2014
Post-acceptance intentions and behaviors: An empirical investigation of information technology use and innovation
PE Carter, JB Thatcher, KM Chudoba, K Marett
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) 24 (1), 1-20, 2012
Participation in ICT-enabled meetings
KM Chudoba, MB Watson-Manheim, K Crowston, CS Lee
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) 23 (2), 15-36, 2011
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Articles 1–20