Dr. Sanjay Shitole
Dr. Sanjay Shitole
Professor in Department of Information Technology, SNDT Women's University Mumbai
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Cited by
Predicting the popularity of instagram posts for a lifestyle magazine using deep learning
S De, A Maity, V Goel, S Shitole, A Bhattacharya
2017 2nd international conference on communication systems, computing and IT …, 2017
Selection of suitable window size for speckle reduction and deblurring using SOFM in polarimetric SAR images
S Shitole, S De, YS Rao, B Krishna Mohan, A Das
Journal of the Indian society of remote sensing 43, 739-750, 2015
Comparative analysis of classification accuracy for RISAT-1 compact polarimetric data for various land-covers
V Turkar, S De, YS Rao, S Shitole, A Bhattacharya, A Das
2013 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium-IGARSS, 3586 …, 2013
Local contrast based adaptive SAR speckle filter
S Shitole, M Sharma, S De, A Bhattacharya, YS Rao, BK Mohan
Journal of the Indian society of remote sensing 45, 451-462, 2017
Detecting presence of covid-19 with resnet-18 using pytorch
C Kochgaven, P Mishra, S Shitole
2021 International Conference on Communication information and Computing …, 2021
Analysis of crop disease detection with SVM, KNN and random forest classification
MR Kale, MS Shitole
Information Technology in Industry 9 (1), 364-372, 2021
An intelligent approach for detection and grading of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema using retinal images
P Nage, S Shitole, M Kokare
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging …, 2023
A survey on automatic diabetic retinopathy screening
P Nage, S Shitole
SN Computer Science 2 (6), 439, 2021
Internet of things based indoor air quality improving system
S Shitole, D Nair, N Pandey, H Suhagiya
2018 3rd International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 1-4, 2018
Performance evaluation of DFT based speckle reduction framework for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images at different frequencies and image regions
V Jain, S Shitole, M Rahman
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 31, 101001, 2023
Building an edtech platform using microservices and docker
A Naik, J Choudhari, V Pawar, S Shitole
2021 IEEE Pune Section International Conference (PuneCon), 1-6, 2021
Bitland-A Decentralized Commercial Real Estate Platform
SS Pande, S Mandolikar, S Shitole
2022 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC), 1-6, 2022
Region growing based improved SAR speckle filter for polarimetric data
S Shitole, YS Rao, BK Mohan, A Bhattacharya, A Das
Conference Proceedings of 2013 Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture …, 2013
Speckle filters evaluation based on separability and polarimetry index
S Shitole, R Deo, YS Rao, BK Mohan
ESA Special Publication 713, 69, 2013
Deep learning optimizer performance analysis for pomegranate fruit quality gradation
RS Kale, S Shitole
2022 IEEE bombay section signature conference (IBSSC), 1-5, 2022
Adaptive parametric estimator for complex valued images
A Chaturvedi, R Sharma, D Wadekar, A Bhandwalkar, S Shitole
2015 International Conference on Technologies for Sustainable Development …, 2015
Cornered difference weighted mean SAR speckle filter
M Sharma, S Shitole, A Bhattacharya, YS Rao, BK Mohan, A Das
Conference Proceedings of 2013 Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture …, 2013
Impact of DFT based speckle reduction filter on classification accuracy of synthetic aperture radar images
V Jain, S Shitole, V Turkar, A Das
2020 IEEE India Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (InGARSS), 54-57, 2020
The effect of hybrid polarimetric descriptors on classification accuracy of various land cover types
V Turkar, S De, A Das, S Shitole, R Deo, K Patnaik
IGARSS 2020-2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2020
MMSE based seed selection in IDAN speckle filter with point target preservation
S Shitole, S De, YS Rao, BK Mohan, A Das
International Journal of Imaging and Robotics 15 (3), 14-34, 2015
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Articles 1–20