Brahmastro Kresnaraman
Brahmastro Kresnaraman
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Cited by
Reconstructing face image from the thermal infrared spectrum to the visible spectrum
B Kresnaraman, D Deguchi, T Takahashi, Y Mekada, I Ide, H Murase
Sensors 16 (4), 568, 2016
Human wearable attribute recognition using decomposition of thermal infrared images
B Kresnaraman, Y Kawanishi, T Takahashi, D Deguchi, Y Mekada, I Ide, ...
Proc. 22nd Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, 123-127, 2016
Improvement of Recognition Capability of Fuzzy-neuro LVQ using Fuzzy Eigen Decomposition for Discriminating Three-mixture Fragrances Odor
BK Benyamin Kusumoputro, Lina Lina
Information Technology Journal 10, 2385-2391, 2011
Headgear recognition by decomposing human images in the thermal infrared spectrum
B Kresnaraman, Y Kawanishi, D Deguchi, T Takahashi, Y Mekada, I Ide, ...
2017 15th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR …, 2017
Human wearable attribute recognition using probability-map-based decomposition of thermal infrared images
B Kresnaraman, Y Kawanishi, D Deguchi, T Takahashi, Y Mekada, I Ide, ...
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and …, 2017
A Preliminary Study on Human Attribute Classification in Thermal Image
B Kresnaraman, D Deguchi, I Ide, H Murase, T Takahashi
2015 年電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集, 66, 2015
Face recognition system of infra-red images using ensemble back-propagation neural networks
BK Putro, SR Imantaka, B Kresnaraman
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 7 (11 A), 401-416, 2011
D-12-14 A Preliminary Study on Human Attribute Classification in Thermal Image
K Brahmastro, D Daisuke, I Ichiro, M Hiroshi, T Tomokazu
電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集 2015 (2), 66, 2015
Learning Based Reconstruction of Grayscale Face Image from Far-Infrared Image
B Kresnaraman, Y Mekada, T Takahashi, H Murase
2013 2nd IAPR Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition, 435-439, 2013
Development of fuzzy manifold and fuzzy nearest distance for pose estimation of degraded face images
B Kusumoputro, B Kresnaraman, L Lina
Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS international conference on Applications of …, 2010
Understanding Human Images in Thermal Infrared Spectrum
B Kresnaraman
Estimating Grayscale Face Image from Thermal Image using Canonical Correlation Analysis
B Kresnaraman, K Doman, Y Mekada
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Articles 1–12