CL Amos
CL Amos
University of Southampton and Tuscan Consultancy.
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In situ erosion measurements on fine-grained sediments from the Bay of Fundy
CL Amos, GR Daborn, HA Christian, A Atkinson, A Robertson
Marine geology 108 (2), 175-196, 1992
The stability of tidal flats in Venice Lagoon—the results of in-situ measurements using two benthic, annular flumes
CL Amos, A Bergamasco, G Umgiesser, S Cappucci, D Cloutier, L DeNat, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 51 (1-4), 211-241, 2004
Sea carousel—a benthic, annular flume
CL Amos, J Grant, GR Daborn, K Black
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 34 (6), 557-577, 1992
Wave attenuation by submerged vegetation: combining the effect of organism traits and tidal current
M Paul, TJ Bouma, CL Amos
Marine Ecology Progress Series 444, 31-41, 2012
The effect of carbohydrate production by the diatom Nitzschia curvilineata on the erodibility of sediment
TF Sutherland, J Grant, CL Amos
Limnology and Oceanography 43 (1), 65-72, 1998
Bedforms of the Canadian eastern seaboard: a comparison with global occurrences
CL Amos, EL King
Marine Geology 57 (1-4), 167-208, 1984
The stability of fine-grained sediments from the Fraser River Delta
CL Amos, T Feeney, TF Sutherland, JL Luternauer
Estuarine, coastal and shelf science 45 (4), 507-524, 1997
SEDTRANS96: the upgraded and better calibrated sediment-transport model for continental shelves
MZ Li, CL Amos
Computers & Geosciences 27 (6), 619-645, 2001
Spatial and seasonal variation in wave attenuation over Zostera noltii
M Paul, CL Amos
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 116 (C8), 2011
Siliciclastic tidal flats
CL Amos
Developments in Sedimentology 53, 273-306, 1995
The effect of buoyant biofilms on the erodibility of sublittoral sediments of a temperate microtidal estuary
TF Sutherland, CL Amos, J Grant
Limnology and Oceanography 43 (2), 225-235, 1998
The calibration of optical backscatter sensors for suspended sediment of varying darkness levels
TF Sutherland, PM Lane, CL Amos, J Downing
Marine Geology 162 (2-4), 587-597, 2000
The influence of vegetation on turbulence and flow velocities in European salt‐marshes
URS Neumeier, CL Amos
Sedimentology 53 (2), 259-277, 2006
An ecological cascade effect: migratory birds affect stability of intertidal sediments
Limnology and Oceanography 38, 225-231, 1993
Large-scale experiments on wave propagation over Posidonia oceanica
V Stratigaki, E Manca, P Prinos, IJ Losada, JL Lara, M Sclavo, CL Amos, ...
Journal of Hydraulic Research 49 (sup1), 31-43, 2011
Wave energy and wave-induced flow reduction by full-scale model Posidonia oceanica seagrass
E Manca, I Cáceres, JM Alsina, V Stratigaki, I Townend, CL Amos
Continental Shelf Research 50, 100-116, 2012
Control of estuarine sediment dynamics by interactions between currents and waves at several scales
MO Green, KP Black, CL Amos
Marine geology 144 (1-3), 97-116, 1997
The influence of subaerial exposure on the bulk properties of fine-grained intertidal sediment from Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy
CL Amos, NA Van Wagoner, GR Daborn
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 27 (1), 1-13, 1988
Predicting ripple geometry and bed roughness under combined waves and currents in a continental shelf environment
MZ Li, CL Amos
Continental Shelf Research 18 (9), 941-970, 1998
Ripple generation under the combined influences of waves and currents on the Canadian continental shelf
CL Amos, AJ Bowen, DA Huntley, CFM Lewis
Continental Shelf Research 8 (10), 1129-1153, 1988
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Articles 1–20