Philipp Trein
Philipp Trein
Professor (Assistant) of Public Administration and Policy, University of Lausanne
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The integration and coordination of public policies: a systematic comparative review
P Trein, I Meyer, M Maggetti
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 21 (4), 332-349, 2019
Policy coordination and integration: A research agenda
P Trein, R Biesbroek, T Bolognesi, GM Cejudo, R Duffy, T Hustedt, ...
Public Administration Review 81 (5), 973-977, 2021
Multilevel governance and problem‐solving: Towards a dynamic theory of multilevel policy‐making?
M Maggetti, P Trein
Public Administration 97 (2), 355-369, 2019
Learning in Public Policy: Analysis, Modes and Outcomes
CA Dunlop, CM Radaelli, P Trein
Cham: Springer, 2018
What's the problem? Multilevel governance and problem‐solving
E Thomann, P Trein, M Maggetti
European Policy Analysis 5 (1), 37-57, 2019
Federal dynamics in times of economic and financial crisis
D Braun, P Trein
European Journal of Political Research 53 (4), 803-821, 2014
Coevolution of policy sectors: A comparative analysis of healthcare and public health
P Trein
Public Administration 95 (3), 744-758, 2017
Patterns of Policy Integration and Administrative Coordination Reforms: A Comparative Empirical Analysis
P Trein, M Maggetti
Public Administration Review 80 (2), 198-208, 2020
Necessary conditions for policy integration and administrative coordination reforms: an exploratory analysis
P Trein, M Maggetti, I Meyer
Journal of European Public Policy 28 (9), 1410-1431, 2021
Introduction: The family tree of policy learning
CA Dunlop, CM Radaelli, P Trein
Learning in Public Policy: Analysis, Modes and Outcomes, 1-25, 2018
A new way to compare horizontal connections of policy sectors:“Coupling” of actors, institutions and policies
P Trein
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 19 (5), 419-434, 2017
Pathways to policy integration: A subsystem approach
GM Cejudo, P Trein
Policy Sciences 56 (1), 9-27, 2023
Learning in political analysis
T Vagionaki, P Trein
Political Studies Review 18 (2), 304-319, 2020
Integration, Functional Differentiation, and Problem‐Solving in Multi‐Level Governance
P Trein, E Thomann, M Maggetti
Public Administration 97 (2), 339-354, 2019
Empirical research on policy integration: a review and new directions
P Trein, M Fischer, M Maggetti, F Sarti
Policy Sciences 56 (1), 29-48, 2023
Healthy or Sick? Coevolution of Health Care and Public Health in a Comparative Perspective
P Trein
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018
Policy integration, problem-solving and the COVID-19 crisis: Lessons for policy design
M Maggetti, P Trein
Policy and Society 41 (1), 53-67, 2022
Evaluation use and learning in public policy
P Bundi, P Trein
Policy Sciences 55, 283–309, 2022
Learning heuristics, issue salience and polarization in the policy process
P Trein, T Vagionaki
West European Politics 45 (4), 906-929, 2022
A federalist’s dilemma: Trade-offs between social legitimacy and budget responsibility in multi-tiered welfare states
G Bonoli, M Natili, P Trein
Journal of European Social Policy 29 (1), 56-69, 2019
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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