Manuel F. Bertoa
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Towards a consistent terminology for software measurement
F García, MF Bertoa, C Calero, A Vallecillo, F Ruíz, M Piattini, M Genero
Information and Software technology 48 (8), 631-644, 2006
Quality attributes for COTS components
MF Bertoa, A Vallecillo
I+ D Computacion, 1 (2), 128-143, 2002
Measuring the usability of software components
MF Bertoa, JM Troya, A Vallecillo
Journal of Systems and Software 79 (3), 427-439, 2006
A systematic literature review for software sustainability measures
C Calero, MF Bertoa, MÁ Moraga
2013 2nd international workshop on green and sustainable software (GREENS …, 2013
A survey on the quality information provided by software component vendors
MF Bertoa, JM Troya, A Vallecillo
Proceedings of the 7th ECOOP Workshop on Quantitative Approaches in Object …, 2003
Uncertainty representation in software models: a survey
J Troya, N Moreno, MF Bertoa, A Vallecillo
Software and Systems Modeling 20 (4), 1183-1213, 2021
Usability measures for software components
MF Bertoa, A Vallecillo
IEEE Latin America Transactions 4 (2), 136-143, 2006
Towards a software product sustainability model
C Calero, M Moraga, MF Bertoa
arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.1640, 2013
Sustainability and Quality: Icing on the Cake.
C Calero, MF Bertoa, MÁ Moraga
RE4SuSy@ RE 995, 2013
Quality attributes for software metamodels
MF Bertoa, A Vallecillo
Málaga, Spain, 2010
An ontology for software measurement
MF Bertoa, A Vallecillo, F García
Ontologies for software engineering and software technology, 175-196, 2006
Effective use of ontologies in software measurement
F García, F Ruiz, C Calero, MF Bertoa, A Vallecillo, B Mora, M Piattini
The Knowledge Engineering Review 24 (1), 23-40, 2009
Incorporating measurement uncertainty into OCL/UML primitive datatypes
MF Bertoa, L Burgueño, N Moreno, A Vallecillo
Software and Systems Modeling 19 (5), 1163-1189, 2020
Expressing confidence in models and in model transformation elements
L Burgueño, MF Bertoa, N Moreno, A Vallecillo
Proceedings of the 21th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven …, 2018
Green software and software quality
C Calero, MÁ Moraga, MF Bertoa, L Duboc
Green in Software Engineering, 231-260, 2015
Expressing measurement uncertainty in OCL/UML datatypes
MF Bertoa, N Moreno, G Barquero, L Burgueño, J Troya, A Vallecillo
Modelling Foundations and Applications: 14th European Conference, ECMFA 2018 …, 2018
Medición del software ontología y metamodelo
M Ferreira, F García, F Ruiz, MF Bertoa, C Calero, A Vallecillo, M Piattini, ...
Departamento de Tecnologías y Sistemas de la Información, Castilla La Mancha, 2006
Aspectos de calidad en el desarrollo de software basado en componentes
MF Bertoa, JM Troya, A Vallecillo
Capítulo do livro: Calidad en el desarrollo y mantenimiento del software, 2002
Quality in Use and Software Greenability.
C Calero, MÁ Moraga, MF Bertoa, L Duboc
RE4SuSy@ RE, 28-36, 2014
An ontology for software measurement
F García, F Ruiz, MF Bertoa, C Calero, M Genero, L Olsina, M Martín, ...
Computer Science Department. University of Castilla-La Mancha. Spain …, 2004
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20