Giuliana Pennucci
Giuliana Pennucci
Scientist, STO CMRE, La Spezia, Italy
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A semi automatic technique for Rapid Environmental Assessment in the coastal zone using Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (SUAV)
MI Vousdoukas, G Pennucci, RA Holman, DC Conley
Journal of Coastal Research, 1755-1759, 2011
Comparative analysis of clutter removal techniques over experimental IR images
N Acito, G Corsini, M Diani, G Pennucci
Optical Engineering 44 (10), 106401-106401-10, 2005
Experimental performance analysis of clutter removal techniques in IR images
N Acito, G Corsini, M Diani, G Pennucci
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2005 3, III-561, 2005
Identification of sea surface temperature (SST) variability areas through a statistical approach using remote sensing and numerical ocean model data
J Loeches, R Vicen-Bueno, G Pennucci, A Russo
Ocean Sensing and Monitoring VII 9459, 206-218, 2015
A study for near-shore characterization using high-resolution hyperspectral and multispectral images
G Pennucci, R Grasso, C Trees
IGARSS 2008-2008 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2008
Extracting Acoustic Source Information of Shipping Noise for Dynamic Ambient Noise Modelling
G Pennucci, YM Jiang
Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering 8 (1), 10-20, 2018
A methodology for calibration of hyperspectral and multispectral satellite data in coastal areas
G Pennucci, G Fargion, A Alvarez, C Trees, R Arnone
Ocean Sensing and Monitoring IV 8372, 154-163, 2012
Observations of internal tidal dynamics Southwest of Malta in the central Mediterranean Sea
PM Poulain, P Oddo, G Pennucci, C Lewis, J Sliwka, TF Duda, A Drago
Continental Shelf Research 254, 104922, 2023
Evaluation of different Maritime rapid environmental assessment procedures with a focus on acoustic performance
P Oddo, S Falchetti, S Viola, G Pennucci, A Storto, I Borrione, G Giorli, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 152 (5), 2962-2981, 2022
Quantitative data analysis for ocean observations using hyperspectral and multispectral data provided from a multisensory system package
G Pennucci, C Trees, C Pietrapertosa, E Mauri, F Coren
Proc. of OceanObs’ 09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for …, 2009
A satellite covariance-based method to support AERONET ocean color validation activities
G Pennucci, A Alvarez, C Trees
Фундаментальная и прикладная гидрофизика 5 (4), 64-68, 2012
Study of covariance as a function of cloud cover
A Alvarez, G Pennucci, C Trees
CMRE, 05, 2011
Evaluation of a Submerged Remote Sensing (SRS) technique
C Trees, G Pennucci
Ocean Optics XIX, Barga, Italy, 2008
High-frequency dynamics near the shelf break southwest of Svalbard
PM Poulain, E Cozzani, G Pennucci, C Lewis, C Lathuiliere, L Bordoix, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 15215, 2020
Conference Proceedings of the Decision Support and Risk Assessment for Operational Effectiveness (DeSRA) 2017 Conference
R Vicen-Bueno, E Coelho, G Pennucci
Implementation of ocean optics protocols to estimate Optically Active Constituents (OAC) from water samples collected during the Atlantic Lidar Optical Measurements Experiment …
G Pennucci, V Sanjuan, A Russo, E Coelho
International Ocean Colour Science Meeting 2017, 2017
Technological requirements for intelligent passive acoustic surveillance and reconnaissance with gliders
Pennucci, Cardeira, Garau, Alvarez, Jiang
CMRE-MR-2015-009, 2015
Raw data processing of downwelling irradiance and fluorescence from Bio-Argo floats to retrieve chlorophyll a and diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd) profiles.
G Pennucci, C Trees, J Osler
First validation of the Submerged Remote Sensing technique for the estimation of Kd using glider data.
G Pennucci, C Trees, J Osler
Estimating satellite product uncertainties using in situ and glider data.
G Pennucci, A Alvarez, C Trees
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