luigi galgani
luigi galgani
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Lyapunov characteristic exponents for smooth dynamical systems and for Hamiltonian systems; a method for computing all of them. Part 1: Theory
G Benettin, L Galgani, A Giorgilli, JM Strelcyn
Meccanica 15, 9-20, 1980
Kolmogorov entropy and numerical experiments
G Benettin, L Galgani, JM Strelcyn
Physical Review A 14 (6), 2338, 1976
Effective stability for a Hamiltonian system near an elliptic equilibrium point, with an application to the restricted three body problem
A Giorgilli, A Delshams, E Fontich, L Galgani, C Simó
Journal of differential equations 77 (1), 167-198, 1989
A proof of Nekhoroshev's theorem for the stability times in nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems
G Benettin, L Galgani, A Giorgilli
Celestial Mechanics 37 (1), 1-25, 1985
Proof of Kolmogorov's theorem on invariant tori using canonical transformations defined by the Lie method
G Benettin, L Galgani, A Giorgilli, JM Strelcyn
Nuovo Cimento B;(Italy) 79 (2), 1984
On the number of isolating integrals in Hamiltonian systems
G Contopoulos, L Galgani, A Giorgilli
Physical Review A 18 (3), 1183, 1978
Lyapunov characteristic exponents for smooth dynamical systems and for Hamiltonian systems: A method for computing all of them
G Bennetin, L Galgani, A Giorgilli, JM Strelcyn
Meccanica 15 (9), 27, 1980
Formal integrals for an autonomous Hamiltonian system near an equilibrium point
A Giorgilli, L Galgani
Celestial Mechanics 17 (3), 267-280, 1978
Realization of holonomic constraints and freezing of high frequency degrees of freedom in the light of classical perturbation theory. Part II
G Benettin, L Galgani, A Giorgilli
Communications in mathematical physics 121, 557-601, 1989
Rigorous estimates for the series expansions of Hamiltonian perturbation theory
A Giorgilli, L Galgani
Celestial mechanics 37, 95-112, 1985
Numerical computations on a stochastic parameter related to the Kolmogorov entropy
M Casartelli, E Diana, L Galgani, A Scotti
Physical Review A 13 (5), 1921, 1976
On the problem of energy equipartition for large systems of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam type: analytical and numerical estimates
L Galgani, A Giorgilli, A Martinoli, S Vanzini
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 59 (4), 334-348, 1992
Realization of holonomic constraints and freezing of high frequency degrees of freedom in the light of classical perturbation theory. Part I
G Benettin, L Galgani, A Giorgilli
Communications in mathematical physics 113, 87-103, 1987
Localization of energy in FPU chains
L Berchialla, L Galgani, A Giorgilli
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 11 (4), 855-866, 2004
Universal properties in conservative dynamical systems
G Benettin, C Cercignani, L Galgani, A Giorgilli
Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 28 (1), 1-4, 1980
Planck-like distributions in classical nonlinear mechanics
L Galgani, A Scott
Physical Review Letters 28 (18), 1173, 1972
Reliability of numerical studies of stochasticity. Part 1. Existence of time averages
G Benettin, M Casartelli, L Galgani, A Giorgilli, JM Strelcyn
Nuovo Cim., B;(Italy) 44 (1), 1978
Recent progress in classical nonlinear dynamics
L Galgani, A Scotti
La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento (1971-1977) 2, 189-209, 1972
Zero-point energy in classical non-linear mechanics
C Cercignani, L Galgani, A Scotti
Physics Letters A 38 (6), 403-404, 1972
Exponential law for the equipartition times among translational and vibrational degrees of freedom
G Benettin, L Galgani, A Giorgilli
Physics Letters A 120 (1), 23-27, 1987
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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