Emanuela Struffolino
Emanuela Struffolino
Assistant Professor at University of Milan
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Individual and household in-work poverty in Europe: understanding the role of labor market characteristics
M Filandri, E Struffolino
European Societies 21 (1), 130-157, 2019
Sequence analysis: Its past, present, and future
TF Liao, D Bolano, C Brzinsky-Fay, B Cornwell, AE Fasang, S Helske, ...
Social science research 107, 102772, 2022
Pushed or pulled? Girls and boys facing early school leaving risk in Italy
C Borgna, E Struffolino
Social Science Research 61, 298-313, 2017
Self-reported health among lone mothers in Switzerland: Do employment and education matter?
E Struffolino, L Bernardi, M Voorpostel
Population 71 (2), 187-213, 2016
Gender, education, and family life courses in East and West Germany: Insights from new sequence analysis techniques
E Struffolino, M Studer, AE Fasang
Advances in Life Course Research 29, 66-79, 2016
Estimating the relationship between time-varying covariates and trajectories: The sequence analysis multistate model procedure
M Studer, E Struffolino, AE Fasang
Sociological Methodology 48 (1), 103-135, 2018
Being working poor or feeling working poor? The role of work intensity and job stability for subjective poverty
M Filandri, S Pasqua, E Struffolino
Social Indicators Research 147 (3), 781-803, 2020
When working isn’t enough: Family demographic processes and in-work poverty across the life course in the United States
Z Van Winkle, E Struffolino
Demographic Research 39, 365-380, 2018
The heterogeneity of partnership trajectories to childlessness in Germany
M Raab, E Struffolino
European Journal of Population 36 (1), 53-70, 2020
Sequence analysis
M Raab, E Struffolino
Sage Publications, 2022
Longitudinal employment trajectories and health in middle life
C Devillanova, M Raitano, E Struffolino
Demographic Research 40, 1375-1412, 2019
Who is really ‘left behind’? Half a century of gender differences in the school-to-work transitions of low-educated youth
E Struffolino, C Borgna
Journal of Youth Studies 24 (2), 162-185, 2021
Working poor: lavoratori con basso salario o occupati che vivono in famiglie povere?: un'analisi del fenomeno in Italia prima e dopo la crisi
M Filandri, E Struffolino
Sociologia del lavoro: 131, 3, 2013, 190-205, 2013
Early-career complexity before and after labour-market deregulation in Italy: Heterogeneity by gender and socio-economic status across cohorts
E Struffolino, M Raitano
Social Indicators Research 151 (1), 231-257, 2020
Migrant status and lone motherhood–risk factors of female labour force participation in Switzerland
N Milewski, E Struffolino, L Bernardi
Lone parenthood in the life course, 141-163, 2018
Family demographic processes and in-work poverty: A systematic review
A Polizzi, E Struffolino, Z Van Winkle
Advances in Life Course Research 52, 100462, 2022
Navigating the early career: The social stratification of young workers’ employment trajectories in Italy
E Struffolino
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 63, 100421, 2019
Traiettorie lavorative e salariali a inizio carriera in Italia: un'analisi longitudinale
M Raitano, E Struffolino
Stato e mercato 33 (3), 389-422, 2013
Life-Course-Sensitive Analysis of Group Inequalities: Combining Sequence Analysis With the Kitagawa–Oaxaca–Blinder Decomposition
C Rowold, E Struffolino, AE Fasang
Sociological Methods & Research, 00491241231224226, 2024
Strategies for multidomain sequence analysis in social research
G Ritschard, TF Liao, E Struffolino
Sociological Methodology 53 (2), 288-322, 2023
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