Ian Albery
Ian Albery
Emeritus Professor of Psychology, London South Bank University
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Group membership and social identity in addiction recovery.
SA Buckingham, D Frings, IP Albery
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 27 (4), 1132, 2013
Selective attentional bias to alcohol related stimuli in problem drinkers and non‐problem drinkers
D Sharma, IP Albery, C Cook
Addiction 96 (2), 285-295, 2001
Perceptions of risk in motorcyclists: Unrealistic optimism, relative realism and predictions of behaviour
DR Rutter, L Quine, IP Albery
British Journal of Psychology 89 (4), 681-696, 1998
The social identity model of cessation maintenance: Formulation and initial evidence
D Frings, IP Albery
Addictive Behaviors 44, 35-42, 2015
Modeling the contribution of personality, social identity and social norms to problematic Facebook use in adolescents
C Marino, A Vieno, M Pastore, IP Albery, D Frings, MM Spada
Addictive behaviors 63, 51-56, 2016
Illicit drugs and driving: prevalence, beliefs and accident involvement among a cohort of current out-of-treatment drug users
IP Albery, J Strang, M Gossop, P Griffiths
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 58 (1-2), 197-204, 2000
A dual-process model of the alcohol–behavior link for social drinking.
AC Moss, IP Albery
Psychological Bulletin 135 (4), 516, 2009
Psikologi kesehatan panduan lengkap dan komprehensif bagi studi psikologi kesehatan
IP Albery, M Munafo
Yogyakarta: Palmall, 2011
Key concepts in health psychology
I Albery, M Munafo
Sage, 2008
Does Unrealistic Optimism Change Following a Negative Experience?1
FP Mkenna, IP Albery
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 31 (6), 1146-1157, 2001
Understanding the impact of mortality-related health-risk information: A terror management theory perspective
DC Jessop, IP Albery, J Rutter, H Garrod
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34 (7), 951-964, 2008
Complete psychology
I Albery, G Davey, C Sterling, A Field
Routledge, 2014
Emotion and adherence to treatment in people with asthma: An application of the emotional Stroop paradigm
DC Jessop, DR Rutter, D Sharma, IP Albery
British Journal of Psychology 95 (2), 127-147, 2004
Measuring therapeutic attitude among drug workers
IP Albery, J Heuston, J Ward, P Groves, MA Durand, M Gossop, J Strang
Addictive Behaviors 28 (5), 995-1005, 2003
The addiction Stroop task: examining the fast and slow effects of smoking and marijuana-related cues.
IP Cane, J.E., Sharma, D., & Albery
Journal of Psychopharmacology 23 (5), 510-519, 2009
Continuum beliefs are associated with higher problem recognition than binary beliefs among harmful drinkers without addiction experience
J Morris, IP Albery, N Heather, AC Moss
Addictive behaviors 105, 106292, 2020
Impact of alcohol‐promoting and alcohol‐warning advertisements on alcohol consumption, affect, and implicit cognition in heavy‐drinking young adults: A laboratory‐based …
K Stautz, D Frings, IP Albery, AC Moss, TM Marteau
British journal of health psychology 22 (1), 128-150, 2017
The effects of responsible drinking messages on attentional allocation and drinking behaviour
AC Moss, IP Albery, KR Dyer, D Frings, K Humphreys, T Inkelaar, ...
Addictive behaviors 44, 94-101, 2015
How hospital consultants cope with stress at work: implications for their mental health
J Graham, IP Albery, AJ Ramirez, MA Richards
Stress and Health: Journal of the International Society for the …, 2001
The COVID‐19 anxiety syndrome and selective attentional bias towards COVID‐19‐related stimuli in UK residents during the 2020–2021 pandemic
IP Albery, MM Spada, AV Nikčević
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 28 (6), 1367-1378, 2021
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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