Elisabetta Palagi
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Contagious yawning in gelada baboons as a possible expression of empathy
E Palagi, A Leone, G Mancini, PF Ferrari
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (46), 19262-19267, 2009
Social play in bonobos (Pan paniscus) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): Implicationsfor natural social systems and interindividual relationships
E Palagi
American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 2006
Yawn contagion and empathy in Homo sapiens
I Norscia, E Palagi
PloS one 6 (12), e28472, 2011
Rough‐and‐tumble play as a window on animal communication
E Palagi, GM Burghardt, B Smuts, G Cordoni, S Dall'Olio, HN Fouts, ...
Biological Reviews 91 (2), 311-327, 2016
Reconciliation and consolation in captive bonobos (Pan paniscus)
E Palagi, T Paoli, SB Tarli
American Journal of Primatology: Official Journal of the American Society of …, 2004
Immediate and Delayed Benefits of Play Behaviour: New Evidence from Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
E Palagi, G Cordoni, SM Borgognini Tarli
Ethology 110 (12), 949-962, 2004
Rapid mimicry and emotional contagion in domestic dogs
E Palagi, V Nicotra, G Cordoni
Royal Society open science 2 (12), 150505, 2015
The neuroethology of spontaneous mimicry and emotional contagion in human and non-human animals
E Palagi, A Celeghin, M Tamietto, P Winkielman, I Norscia
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 111, 149-165, 2020
Sharing the motivation to play: the use of signals in adult bonobos
E Palagi
Animal behaviour 75 (3), 887-896, 2008
In bonobos yawn contagion is higher among kin and friends
E Demuru, E Palagi
PLoS One 7 (11), e49613, 2012
Reconciliation in Wolves (Canis lupus): New Evidence for a Comparative Perspective
G Cordoni, E Palagi
Ethology 114 (3), 298-308, 2008
Rapid facial mimicry in geladas
G Mancini, PF Ferrari, E Palagi
Scientific reports 3 (1), 1527, 2013
Reconciliation and consolation in captive western gorillas
G Cordoni, E Palagi, SB Tarli
International Journal of Primatology 27, 1365-1382, 2006
Short-Term Benefits of Play Behavior and Conflict Prevention in Pan paniscus
E Palagi, T Paoli, SB Tarli
International Journal of Primatology 27, 1257-1270, 2006
Modeling play: Distinguishing between origins and current functions
SM Pellis, GM Burghardt, E Palagi, M Mangel
Adaptive Behavior 23 (6), 331-339, 2015
Not just for fun! Social play as a springboard for adult social competence in human and non-human primates
E Palagi
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72 (6), 90, 2018
Social tolerance and adult play in macaque societies: a comparison with different human cultures
F Ciani, S Dall'Olio, R Stanyon, E Palagi
Animal Behaviour 84 (6), 1313-1322, 2012
Postconflict third-party affiliation in Canis lupus: do wolves share similarities with the great apes?
E Palagi, G Cordoni
Animal behaviour 78 (4), 979-986, 2009
Yawn contagion in humans and bonobos: emotional affinity matters more than species
E Palagi, I Norscia, E Demuru
PeerJ 2, e519, 2014
Fine‐tuning of social play in juvenile lowland gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla)
E Palagi, D Antonacci, G Cordoni
Developmental Psychobiology: The Journal of the International Society for …, 2007
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