Ken Kraaijeveld
Ken Kraaijeveld
University of Applied Sciences Leiden
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The evolution of mutual ornamentation
K Kraaijeveld, FJL Kraaijeveld-Smit, J Komdeur
Animal behaviour 74 (4), 657-677, 2007
Efficient and sensitive identification and quantification of airborne pollen using next‐generation DNA sequencing
K Kraaijeveld, LA De Weger, M Ventayol García, H Buermans, J Frank, ...
Molecular ecology resources 15 (1), 8-16, 2015
Sexual selection and speciation: the comparative evidence revisited
K Kraaijeveld, FJL Kraaijeveld‐Smit, ME Maan
Biological Reviews 86 (2), 367-377, 2011
Genomic treasure troves: complete genome sequencing of herbarium and insect museum specimens
M Staats, RHJ Erkens, B van de Vossenberg, JJ Wieringa, K Kraaijeveld, ...
PloS one 8 (7), e69189, 2013
Coping with living in the soil: the genome of the parthenogenetic springtail Folsomia candida
A Faddeeva-Vakhrusheva, K Kraaijeveld, MFL Derks, SY Anvar, ...
BMC genomics 18, 1-14, 2017
Genome size and species diversification
K Kraaijeveld
Evolutionary biology 37, 227-233, 2010
A new case of Wolbachia dependence in the genus Asobara: evidence for parthenogenesis induction in Asobara japonica
N Kremer, D Charif, H Henri, M Bataille, G Prévost, K Kraaijeveld, F Vavre
Heredity 103 (3), 248-256, 2009
Mutual ornamentation, sexual selection, and social dominance in the black swan
K Kraaijeveld, J Gregurke, C Hall, J Komdeur, RA Mulder
Behavioral Ecology 15 (3), 380-389, 2004
Next-generation sequencing-based genome diagnostics across clinical genetics centers: implementation choices and their effects
T Vrijenhoek, K Kraaijeveld, M Elferink, J De Ligt, E Kranendonk, ...
European Journal of Human Genetics 23 (9), 1142-1150, 2015
Why Seychelles Warblers fail to recolonize nearby islands: unwilling or unable to fly there?
J Komdeur, T Piersma, K Kraaijeveld, F Kraaijeveld‐Smit, DS Richardson
Ibis 146 (2), 298-302, 2004
Effects of male sterility on female remating in the Mediterranean fruitfly, Ceratitis capitata
K Kraaijeveld, T Chapman
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
Explicit experimental evidence for the role of mate guarding in minimizing loss of paternity in the Seychelles warbler
J Komdeur, F Kraaijeveld-Smit, K Kraaijeveld, P Edelaar
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1999
No accumulation of transposable elements in asexual arthropods
J Bast, I Schaefer, T Schwander, M Maraun, S Scheu, K Kraaijeveld
Molecular biology and evolution 33 (3), 697-706, 2016
Remating in wild females of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata
K Kraaijeveld, BI Katsoyannos, M Stavrinides, NA Kouloussis, T Chapman
Animal Behaviour 69 (4), 771-776, 2005
Family-based winter territoriality in western bluebirds, Sialia mexicana: the structure and dynamics of winter groups
K Kraaijeveld, JL Dickinson
Animal Behaviour 61 (1), 109-117, 2001
De novo transcriptome of Ischnura elegans provides insights into sensory biology, colour and vision genes
P Chauhan, B Hansson, K Kraaijeveld, P de Knijff, EI Svensson, ...
BMC genomics 15, 1-14, 2014
Extra‐pair paternity does not result in differential sexual selection in the mutually ornamented black swan (Cygnus atratus)
K Kraaijeveld, PJ Carew, T Billing, GJ Adcock, RA Mulder
Molecular Ecology 13 (6), 1625-1633, 2004
Decay of sexual trait genes in an asexual parasitoid wasp
K Kraaijeveld, SY Anvar, J Frank, A Schmitz, J Bast, J Wilbrandt, ...
Genome biology and evolution 8 (12), 3685-3695, 2016
Reversible trait loss: the genetic architecture of female ornaments
K Kraaijeveld
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 45 (1), 159-177, 2014
The genomic landscape of the verrucomicrobial methanotroph Methylacidiphilum fumariolicum SolV
SY Anvar, J Frank, A Pol, A Schmitz, K Kraaijeveld, JT den Dunnen, ...
BMC genomics 15, 1-12, 2014
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