Stefano Gualeni
Stefano Gualeni
Professor at the Institute of Digital Games, University of Malta
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Virtual Worlds as Philosophical Tools: How to Philosophize with a Digital Hammer
S Gualeni
Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
Becoming with: towards the inclusion of animals as participants in design processes
M Westerlaken, S Gualeni
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Animal-Computer …, 2016
Virtual Existentialism: Meaning and Subjectivity in Virtual Worlds
S Gualeni, D Vella
Palgrave, 2020
Felino: The Philosophical Practice of Making an Interspecies Videogame
M Westerlaken, S Gualeni
Proceedings of the 2014 Philosophy of Computer Games Conference, 2014
Virtual Subjectivity: Existence and Projectuality in Virtual Worlds.
D Vella, S Gualeni
Techne: Research in Philosophy & Technology 23 (2), 2019
Digitally complemented zoomorphism: a theoretical foundation for human-animal interaction design
M Westerlaken, S Gualeni
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Designing Pleasurable …, 2013
Virtual reality-based treatment for regaining upper extremity function induces cortex grey matter changes in persons with acquired brain injury
J Keller, I Štětkářová, V Macri, S Kühn, J Pětioký, S Gualeni, СD Simmons, ...
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 17 (1), 1-11, 2020
Augmented Ontologies or How to Philosophize with a Digital Hammer
S Gualeni
Philosophy & Technology 27 (2), 177-199, 2014
Grounded Zoomorphism: an evaluation methodology for ACI design
M Westerlaken, S Gualeni
11th Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology Conference, 2014
Self-reflexive videogames: observations and corollaries on virtual worlds as philosophical artifacts
S Gualeni
G| A| M| E Games as Art, Media, Entertainment 5 (1), 2016
De-Roling from Experiences and Identities in Virtual Worlds
S Gualeni, D Vella, J Harrington
Journal of Virtual Worlds Research 10 (2), 2017
The Implied Designer and the Experience of Gameworlds
N Van de Mosselaer, S Gualeni
Proceedings of the 2020 DiGRA international Conference. Tampere, Finland, 2020
How psychophysiology can aid the design process of casual games: A tale of stress, facial muscles, and paper beasts
S Gualeni, D Janssen, L Calvi
Proceedings of the 2012 FDG International Conference, 149-155, 2012
Improving level design through game user research: A comparison of methodologies
MA Gómez-Maureira, M Westerlaken, DP Janssen, S Gualeni, L Calvi
Entertainment Computing 5 (4), 463-473, 2014
On the de-familiarizing and re-ontologizing effects of glitches and glitch-alikes
S Gualeni
Proceedings of the 2019 DiGRA International Conference, Kyoto (Japan), 2019
How to Reference a Digital Game
S Gualeni, R Fassone, J Linderoth
Proceedings of the 2019 DiGRA International Conference, Kyoto (Japan), 2019
Situated Knowledges through Game Design: A Transformative Exercise with Ants
M Westerlaken, S Gualeni
Proceedings of the 10th International Philosophy of Computer Games Conference, 2016
A Philosophy of “Doing” in the Digital
S Gualeni
Towards a Philosophy of Digital Media, 225-255, 2018
The Experience Machine: Existential Reflections on Virtual Worlds
S Gualeni
Journal For Virtual Worlds Research 9 (3), 2016
Freer Than We Think: Game Design as a Liberation Practice
S Gualeni
Proceedings of the 2014 Philosophy of Computer Games Conference, 2014
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Articles 1–20