Ayman Abaza
Ayman Abaza
West Virginia high Technology Consortium Foundation
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Cited by
A survey on ear biometrics
A Abaza, A Ross, C Hebert, MAF Harrison, MS Nixon
ACM computing surveys (CSUR) 45 (2), 1-35, 2013
Automatic tooth segmentation using active contour without edges
S Shah, A Abaza, A Ross, H Ammar
2006 biometrics symposium: special session on research at the biometric …, 2006
Design and evaluation of photometric image quality measures for effective face recognition
A Abaza, MA Harrison, T Bourlai, A Ross
IET Biometrics 3 (4), 314-324, 2014
Quality metrics for practical face recognition
A Abaza, MA Harrison, T Bourlai
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition …, 2012
Classification of voluntary cough sound and airflow patterns for detecting abnormal pulmonary function
AA Abaza, JB Day, JS Reynolds, AM Mahmoud, WT Goldsmith, ...
Cough 5, 1-12, 2009
Quality based rank-level fusion in multibiometric systems
A Abaza, A Ross
2009 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications …, 2009
Fast learning ear detection for real-time surveillance
A Abaza, C Hebert, MAF Harrison
2010 fourth IEEE international conference on biometrics: theory …, 2010
Towards understanding the symmetry of human ears: A biometric perspective
A Abaza, A Ross
2010 Fourth IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory …, 2010
Human ear recognition
A Ross, A Abaza
Computer 44 (11), 79-81, 2011
On ear-based human identification in the mid-wave infrared spectrum
A Abaza, T Bourlai
Image and Vision Computing 31 (9), 640-648, 2013
Automatic construction of dental charts for postmortem identification
DE Nassar, A Abaza, X Li, H Ammar
IEEE transactions on information forensics and security 3 (2), 234-246, 2008
Floating navigator echo (FNAV) for in‐plane 2D translational motion estimation
YM Kadah, AA Abaza, AS Fahmy, ABM Youssef, K Heberlein, XP Hu
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2004
A survey on ear biometrics
A ABaza
ACM transactions on embedded computing systems 9 (4), 39: 1-39: 31, 2010
Retrieving dental radiographs for post-mortem identification
A Abaza, A Ross, H Ammar
2009 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2537-2540, 2009
Ear segmentation in color facial images using mathematical morphology
EH Said, A Abaza, H Ammar
2008 Biometrics Symposium, 29-34, 2008
A system for recording high fidelity cough sound and airflow characteristics
WT Goldsmith, AM Mahmoud, JS Reynolds, WG McKinney, AA Afshari, ...
Annals of biomedical engineering 38, 469-477, 2010
Ear recognition: a complete system
A Abaza, MAF Harrison
Biometric and surveillance technology for human and activity identification …, 2013
Fast and accurate segmentation of dental x-ray records
X Li, A Abaza, DE Nassar, H Ammar
Advances in Biometrics: International Conference, ICB 2006, Hong Kong, China …, 2005
Noninvasive assessment of human jawbone using ultrasonic guided waves
A Mahmoud, D Cortes, A Abaza, H Ammar, M Hazey, P Ngan, R Crout, ...
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 55 …, 2008
Classification of voluntary cough airflow patterns for prediction of abnormal spirometry
JS Reynolds, WT Goldsmith, JB Day, AA Abaza, AM Mahmoud, ...
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 20 (3), 963-969, 2015
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Articles 1–20