David N. Bucklin
David N. Bucklin
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Comparing species distribution models constructed with different subsets of environmental predictors
DN Bucklin, M Basille, AM Benscoter, LA Brandt, FJ Mazzotti, ...
Diversity and distributions 21 (1), 23-35, 2015
Performance metrics and variance partitioning reveal sources of uncertainty in species distribution models
JI Watling, LA Brandt, DN Bucklin, I Fujisaki, FJ Mazzotti, SS Romanach, ...
Ecological Modelling 309, 48-59, 2015
Do bioclimate variables improve performance of climate envelope models?
JI Watling, SS Romanach, DN Bucklin, C Speroterra, LA Brandt, ...
Ecological Modelling 246, 79-85, 2012
Marine threats overlap key foraging habitat for two imperiled sea turtle species in the Gulf of Mexico
KM Hart, AR Iverson, I Fujisaki, MM Lamont, D Bucklin, DJ Shaver
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 336, 2018
Sympatry or syntopy? Investigating drivers of distribution and co‐occurrence for two imperiled sea turtle species in Gulf of Mexico neritic waters
KM Hart, AR Iverson, I Fujisaki, MM Lamont, D Bucklin, DJ Shaver
Ecology and Evolution 8 (24), 12656-12669, 2018
Comparison of climate envelope models developed using expert-selected variables versus statistical selection
LA Brandt, AM Benscoter, R Harvey, C Speroterra, D Bucklin, ...
Ecological Modelling 345, 10-20, 2017
Preserving connectivity under climate and land-use change: No one-size-fits-all approach for focal species in similar habitats
JK Costanza, J Watling, R Sutherland, C Belyea, B Dilkina, H Cayton, ...
Biological Conservation 248, 108678, 2020
Validating predictions from climate envelope models
JI Watling, DN Bucklin, C Speroterra, LA Brandt, FJ Mazzotti, ...
PLoS One 8 (5), e63600, 2013
Inter-nesting movements and habitat-use of adult female Kemp’s ridley turtles in the Gulf of Mexico
DJ Shaver, KM Hart, I Fujisaki, D Bucklin, AR Iverson, C Rubio, TF Backof, ...
PLoS One 12 (3), e0174248, 2017
Climate downscaling effects on predictive ecological models: a case study for threatened and endangered vertebrates in the southeastern United States
DN Bucklin, JI Watling, C Speroterra, LA Brandt, FJ Mazzotti, ...
Regional Environmental Change 13, 57-68, 2013
Assessing effects of variation in global climate data sets on spatial predictions from climate envelope models
JI Watling, RJ Fletcher Jr, C Speroterra, DN Bucklin, LA Brandt, ...
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 5 (1), 14-25, 2014
Rpostgis: Linking R with a PostGIS Spatial Database.
D Bucklin, M Basille
R Journal 10 (1), 2018
Predicting multi-species foraging hotspots for marine turtles in the Gulf of Mexico
I Fujisaki, KM Hart, D Bucklin, AR Iverson, C Rubio, MM Lamont, ...
Endangered Species Research 43, 253-266, 2020
Considerations for building climate-based species distribution models
DN Bucklin, M Basille, SS Romaņach, LA Brandt, FJ Mazzotti, JI Watling
University of Florida IFAS Extension, 2016
Protected-area effectiveness near dynamic colonization zones: forest clearance in and around Amborķ National Park, Bolivia
DN Bucklin
Conservation Targeting: Models and Policy for Climate Resilience of coastal habitat and heritage resources in Virginia’s Coastal Zone
P Mason, R Isdell, C Tombleson, R Evans, DN Bucklin, AC Chazal, ...
Climate Changes, Shifting Ranges: Climate change effects on wildlife in the Florida Everglades and Keys: WEC383/UW428, 4/2017
L Perez, JI Watling, D Bucklin, M Basille, FJ Mazzotti, SS Romaņach, ...
EDIS 2017 (2), 5-5, 2017
Considerations for Building Climate-based Species Distribution Models: WEC375/UW420, 8/2016
DN Bucklin, M Basille, SS Romaņach, LA Brandt, FJ Mazzotti, JI Watling
EDIS 2016 (8), 8-8, 2016
Seasonal distribution of satellite-tracked marine turtles in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
KM Hart, AR Iverson, I Fujisaki, MS Cherkiss, D Bucklin, M Basille
101st ESA Annual Meeting (August 7--12, 2016), 2016
Introduction to Data Management and Analysis in Movement Ecology
M Basille, F Cagnacci, D Bucklin, S Picardi, N Ranc
101st ESA Annual Meeting (August 7--12, 2016), 2016
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Articles 1–20