Peretz Shoval
Peretz Shoval
Professor of Information Systems Engineering, Ben-Gurion University, and Netanya Academic College
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Information filtering: Overview of issues, research and systems
U Hanani, B Shapira, P Shoval
User modeling and user-adapted interaction 11, 203-259, 2001
Entity-relationship and object-oriented data modeling—an experimental comparison of design quality
P Shoval, S Shiran
Data & Knowledge Engineering 21 (3), 297-315, 1997
Principles, procedures and rules in an expert system for information retrieval
P Shoval
Information Processing & Management 21 (6), 475-487, 1985
OO and EER conceptual schemas: A comparison of user comprehension
P Shoval, I Frumermann
Journal of Database Management (JDM) 5 (4), 28-38, 1994
An ontology-content-based filtering method
P Shoval, V Maidel, B Shapira
International Journal" Information Theories & Applications 15, 303-314, 2008
Stereotypes in information filtering systems
B Shapira, P Shoval, U Hanani
Information Processing & Management 33 (3), 273-287, 1997
Database schema design: an experimental comparison between normalization and information analysis
P Shoval, M Even-Chaime
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 18 (3 …, 1987
Generation of user profiles for information filtering—research agenda
T Kuflik, P Shoval
Proceedings of the 23rd annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2000
Evaluation of an ontology-content based filtering method for a personalized newspaper
V Maidel, P Shoval, B Shapira, M Taieb-Maimon
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM conference on Recommender systems, 91-98, 2008
ADISSA: Architectural design of information systems based on structured analysis
P Shoval
Information systems 13 (2), 193-210, 1988
Ontology-based classification of news in an electronic newspaper
L Tenenboim, B Shapira, P Shoval
Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence, 89, 2008
FOOM-Functional and Object-Oriented Analysis and Design of Information Systems: An Integrated Methodology
P Shoval, J Kabeli
Journal of Database Management (JDM) 12 (1), 15-25, 2001
Database reverse engineering: from the relational to the binary relationship model
P Shoval, N Shreiber
Data & knowledge engineering 10 (3), 293-315, 1993
Models for computer system evaluation and selection
P Shoval, Y Lugasi
Information & Management 12 (3), 117-129, 1987
Experimentation with an information filtering system that combines cognitive and sociological filtering integrated with user stereotypes
B Shapira, P Shoval, U Hanani
Decision Support Systems 27 (1-2), 5-24, 1999
Modeling graph database schema
N Roy-Hubara, L Rokach, B Shapira, P Shoval
IT Professional 19 (6), 34-43, 2017
Binary-relationship integration methodology
P Shoval, S Zohn
Data & Knowledge Engineering 6 (3), 225-250, 1991
Information filtering: A new two-phase model using stereotypic user profiling
B Shapira, U Hanani, A Raveh, P Shoval
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 8, 155-165, 1997
ADDS: A system for automatic database schema design based on the binary-relationship model
P Shoval, M Even-Chaime
Data & Knowledge Engineering 2 (2), 123-144, 1987
Expert/consultation system for a retrieval data-base with semantic network of concepts
P Shoval
ACM SIGIR Forum 16 (1), 145-149, 1981
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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