Piero Colli Franzone
Piero Colli Franzone
Emeritus Professor of Numerical Analysis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pavia, Italy
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Mathematical cardiac electrophysiology
PC Franzone, LF Pavarino, S Scacchi
Springer, 2014
A parallel solver for reaction–diffusion systems in computational electrocardiology
P Colli Franzone, LF Pavarino
Mathematical models and methods in applied sciences 14 (06), 883-911, 2004
Degenerate evolution systems modeling the cardiac electric field at micro-and macroscopic level
PC Franzone, G Savaré
Evolution Equations, Semigroups and Functional Analysis: in memory of …, 2002
Simulating patterns of excitation, repolarization and action potential duration with cardiac bidomain and monodomain models
PC Franzone, LF Pavarino, B Taccardi
Mathematical biosciences 197 (1), 35-66, 2005
A mathematical procedure for solving the inverse potential problem of electrocardiography. Analysis of the time-space accuracy from in vitro experimental data
P Colli-Franzone, L Guerri, S Tentoni, C Viganotti, S Baruffi, S Spaggiari, ...
Mathematical Biosciences 77 (1-2), 353-396, 1985
Multiscale modeling for the bioelectric activity of the heart
M Pennacchio, G Savaré, PC Franzone
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 37 (4), 1333-1370, 2005
Spread of excitation in 3-D models of the anisotropic cardiac tissue. II. Effects of fiber architecture and ventricular geometry
PC Franzone, L Guerri, M Pennacchio, B Taccardi
Mathematical biosciences 147 (2), 131-171, 1998
Adaptivity in space and time for reaction-diffusion systems in electrocardiology
PC Franzone, P Deuflhard, B Erdmann, J Lang, LF Pavarino
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 28 (3), 942-962, 2006
Wavefront propagation in an activation model of the anisotropic cardiac tissue: asymptotic analysis and numerical simulations
P Colli Franzone, L Guerri, S Rovida
Journal of mathematical biology 28, 121-176, 1990
Finite element approximation of regularized solutions of the inverse potential problem of electrocardiography and applications to experimental data
PC Franzone, L Guerri, B Taccardi, C Viganotti
Calcolo 22 (1), 91-186, 1985
Spreading of excitation in 3-D models of the anisotropic cardiac tissue. I. Validation of the eikonal model
PC Franzone, L Guerri
Mathematical biosciences 113 (2), 145-209, 1993
Potential fields generated by oblique dipole layers modeling excitation wavefronts in the anisotropic myocardium. Comparison with potential fields elicited by paced dog hearts …
P Colli-Franzone, L Guerri, C Viganotti, E Macchi, S Baruffi, S Spaggiari, ...
Circulation research 51 (3), 330-346, 1982
Mathematical modeling of the excitation process in myocardial tissue: Influence of fiber rotation on wavefront propagation and potential field
PC Franzone, L Guerri, S Tentoni
Mathematical biosciences 101 (2), 155-235, 1990
An approach to inverse calculation of epicardial potentials from body surface maps.
PC Franzone, B Taccardi, C Viganotti
Advances in cardiology 21, 50-54, 1978
On the inverse potential problem of electrocardiology
PC Franzone, E Magenes
Calcolo 16 (4), 459-538, 1979
Computational electrocardiology: mathematical and numerical modeling
P Colli Franzone, LF Pavarino, G Savaré
Complex systems in biomedicine, 187-241, 2006
Spread of excitation in a myocardial volume: Simulation studies in a model of anisotropic ventricular muscle activated by point stimulation
PC Franzone, L Guerri, B Taccardi
Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology 4 (2), 144-160, 1993
Spread of excitation in 3-D models of the anisotropic cardiac tissue. III. Effects of ventricular geometry and fiber structure on the potential distribution
PC Franzone, L Guerri, M Pennacchio, B Taccardi
Mathematical biosciences 151 (1), 51-98, 1998
Potential distributions generated by point stimulation in a myocardial volume: simulation studies in a model of anisotropic ventricular muscle
PC Franzone, L Guerri, B Taccardi
Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 4 (4), 438-458, 1993
Modeling ventricular excitation: axial and orthotropic anisotropy effects on wavefronts and potentials
P Colli-Franzone, L Guerri, B Taccardi
Mathematical biosciences 188 (1-2), 191-205, 2004
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Articles 1–20