Romer Rosales
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Fast optimization methods for l1 regularization: A comparative study and two new approaches
M Schmidt, G Fung, R Rosales
Machine Learning: ECML 2007: 18th European Conference on Machine Learning …, 2007
Simple and scalable response prediction for display advertising
O Chapelle, E Manavoglu, R Rosales
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 5 (4), 1-34, 2014
Active learning from crowds
Y Yan, GM Fung, R Rosales, JG Dy
Proceedings of the 28th international conference on machine learning (ICML …, 2011
On the dangers of cross-validation. An experimental evaluation
RB Rao, G Fung, R Rosales
Proceedings of the 2008 SIAM international conference on data mining, 588-596, 2008
Computer-Based Patient Management for Healthcare
F Farooq, RE Rosales, S Yu, B Krishnapuram, BR Rao
US Patent App. 13/228,497, 2012
3D hand pose reconstruction using specialized mappings
R Rosales, V Athitsos, L Sigal, S Sclaroff
Proceedings Eighth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. ICCV …, 2001
3D trajectory recovery for tracking multiple objects and trajectory guided recognition of actions
R Rosales, S Sclaroff
Proceedings. 1999 ieee computer society conference on computer vision and …, 1999
Bayesian co-training
S Yu, B Krishnapuram, H Steck, R Rao, R Rosales
Advances in neural information processing systems 20, 2007
Modeling annotator expertise: Learning when everybody knows a bit of something
Y Yan, R Rosales, G Fung, M Schmidt, G Hermosillo, L Bogoni, L Moy, ...
Proceedings of the thirteenth international conference on artificial …, 2010
Inferring body pose without tracking body parts
R Rosales, S Sclaroff
Proceedings IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. CVPR …, 2000
Learning from multiple annotators with varying expertise
Y Yan, R Rosales, G Fung, R Subramanian, J Dy
Machine learning 95, 291-327, 2014
Improved tracking of multiple humans with trajectory prediction and occlusion modeling
R Rosales, S Sclaroff
Boston University Computer Science Department, 1998
Healthcare Information Technology System for Predicting and Preventing Adverse Events
F Farooq, RE Rosales, S Yu, B Krishnapuram, BR Rao
US Patent App. 13/153,526, 2011
Automatic ad format selection via contextual bandits
L Tang, R Rosales, A Singh, D Agarwal
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Information …, 2013
Structure learning in random fields for heart motion abnormality detection
M Schmidt, K Murphy, G Fung, R Rosales
2008 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1-8, 2008
Learning body pose via specialized maps
R Rosales, S Sclaroff
Advances in neural information processing systems 14, 2001
Optimization methods for l1-regularization
M Schmidt, G Fung, R Rosales
University of British Columbia, Technical Report TR-2009-19, 2009
Post-click conversion modeling and analysis for non-guaranteed delivery display advertising
R Rosales, H Cheng, E Manavoglu
Proceedings of the fifth ACM international conference on Web search and data …, 2012
Quality metric extraction and editing for medical data
S Krishnan, WA Landi, H Steck, RE Rosales, RS Niculescu, F Rahmanian, ...
US Patent 8,670,997, 2014
Unsupervised image translation
Resales, Achan, Frey
Proceedings Ninth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 472-478 …, 2003
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20