Valentina Ivezaj
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Cited by
A systematic review of motivational interviewing for weight loss among adults in primary care
RD Barnes, V Ivezaj
Obesity reviews 16 (4), 304-318, 2015
Bariatric surgery history among substance abuse treatment patients: prevalence and associated features
KK Saules, A Wiedemann, V Ivezaj, JA Hopper, J Foster-Hartsfield, ...
Surgery for obesity and related diseases 6 (6), 615-621, 2010
Food addiction and bariatric surgery: a systematic review of the literature
V Ivezaj, AA Wiedemann, CM Grilo
Obesity Reviews 18 (12), 1386-1397, 2017
Examining binge‐eating disorder and food addiction in adults with overweight and obesity
V Ivezaj, MA White, CM Grilo
Obesity 24 (10), 2064-2069, 2016
The contributions of weight problem perception, BMI, gender, mood, and smoking status to binge eating among college students
KK Saules, AS Collings, F Hoodin, NE Angelella, K Alschuler, V Ivezaj, ...
Eating Behaviors 10 (1), 1-9, 2009
Complexities of measuring perfectionism: three popular perfectionism measures and their relations with eating disturbances and health behaviors in a female college student sample
EC Chang, V Ivezaj, CA Downey, Y Kashima, AR Morady
Eating behaviors 9 (1), 102-110, 2008
Changes in alcohol use after metabolic and bariatric surgery: predictors and mechanisms
V Ivezaj, SC Benoit, J Davis, S Engel, C Lloret-Linares, JE Mitchell, ...
Current psychiatry reports 21, 1-9, 2019
The complexity of body image following bariatric surgery: a systematic review of the literature
V Ivezaj, CM Grilo
Obesity reviews 19 (8), 1116-1140, 2018
The relationship between binge eating and weight status on depression, anxiety, and body image among a diverse college sample: A focus on bi/multiracial women
V Ivezaj, KK Saules, F Hoodin, K Alschuler, NE Angelella, AS Collings, ...
Eating Behaviors 11 (1), 18-24, 2010
Evaluation of the DSM-5 severity indicator for binge eating disorder in a community sample
CM Grilo, V Ivezaj, MA White
Behaviour research and therapy 66, 72-76, 2015
Randomized controlled trial testing the effectiveness of adaptive “SMART” stepped-care treatment for adults with binge-eating disorder comorbid with obesity.
CM Grilo, MA White, RM Masheb, V Ivezaj, PT Morgan, R Gueorguieva
American Psychologist 75 (2), 204, 2020
Evaluation of the DSM-5 severity indicator for binge eating disorder in a clinical sample
CM Grilo, V Ivezaj, MA White
Behaviour research and therapy 71, 110-114, 2015
“I didn’t see this coming.”: why are postbariatric patients in substance abuse treatment? Patients’ perceptions of etiology and future recommendations
V Ivezaj, KK Saules, AA Wiedemann
Obesity surgery 22, 1308-1314, 2012
When mood worsens after gastric bypass surgery: characterization of bariatric patients with increases in depressive symptoms following surgery
V Ivezaj, CM Grilo
Obesity surgery 25 (3), 423-429, 2015
Loss-of-control eating following sleeve gastrectomy surgery
V Ivezaj, EE Kessler, JA Lydecker, RD Barnes, MA White, CM Grilo
Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 13 (3), 392-398, 2017
Evaluation of the DSM-5 severity indicator for bulimia nervosa
CM Grilo, V Ivezaj, MA White
Behaviour research and therapy 67, 41-44, 2015
Characterizing emotional overeating among patients with and without binge-eating disorder in primary care
AA Wiedemann, V Ivezaj, RD Barnes
General hospital psychiatry 55, 38-43, 2018
Toward an understanding of the distinctiveness of body-image constructs in persons categorized with overweight/obesity, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder
CM Grilo, V Ivezaj, JA Lydecker, MA White
Journal of psychosomatic research 126, 109757, 2019
Comparing weight gain in the year prior to treatment for overweight and obese patients with and without binge eating disorder in primary care
V Ivezaj, R Kalebjian, CM Grilo, RD Barnes
Journal of Psychosomatic Research 77 (2), 151-154, 2014
Words will never hurt me? Preferred terms for describing obesity and binge eating
JA Lydecker, K Galbraith, V Ivezaj, MA White, RD Barnes, CA Roberto, ...
International journal of clinical practice 70 (8), 682-690, 2016
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Articles 1–20