Giovanni Bruno
Giovanni Bruno
Assistant Professor (RTDa), Department of General Psychology, Università degli Studi di Padova
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Cited by
Measurement invariance of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale (GAD-7) across four European countries during the COVID-19 pandemic
M Shevlin, S Butter, O McBride, J Murphy, J Gibson-Miller, TK Hartman, ...
BMC psychiatry 22 (1), 154, 2022
The Italian COVID-19 psychological research consortium (IT C19PRC): general overview and replication of the UK study
G Bruno, A Panzeri, U Granziol, F Alivernini, A Chirico, F Galli, F Lucidi, ...
Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (1), 52, 2020
Assessment of perceived support in the context of emergency: Development and validation of the psycho-social support scale
A Panzeri, O Bettinardi, G Bottesi, G Bertolotti, L Brambatti, M Monfredo, ...
Current Psychology 42 (26), 22514-22525, 2023
The social odor scale: Development and initial validation of a new scale for the assessment of social odor awareness
E Dal Bò, C Gentili, A Spoto, G Bruno, A Castellani, C Tripodi, ...
PLoS One 16 (12), e0260587, 2021
Sharing data to better understand one of the world’s most significant shared experiences: Data resource profile of the longitudinal COVID-19 psychological research consortium …
O McBride, S Butter, TK Hartman, J Murphy, P Hyland, M Shevlin, ...
International Journal of Population Data Science 5 (4), 2020
The mediating role of scientifical-medical satisfaction between COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs and vaccine confidence: a two-waves structural equation model
G Mignemi, A Panzeri, U Granziol, G Bruno, M Bertamini, G Vidotto, ...
Journal of Behavioral Medicine 46 (1), 201-211, 2023
Framing self-sacrifice in the investigation of moral judgment and moral emotions in human and autonomous driving dilemmas
G Bruno, A Spoto, L Lotto, N Cellini, S Cutini, M Sarlo
Motivation and Emotion 47 (5), 781-794, 2023
The effect of partial sleep deprivation and time-on-task on young drivers’ subjective and objective sleepiness
N Cellini, G Bruno, F Orsini, G Vidotto, M Gastaldi, R Rossi, M Tagliabue
International journal of environmental research and public health 20 (5), 4003, 2023
The network structure of psychopathological and resilient responses to the pandemic: A multicountry general population study of depression and anxiety
A Contreras, S Butter, U Granziol, A Panzeri, V Peinado, A Trucharte, ...
Journal of Traumatic Stress 37 (1), 126-140, 2024
Moral judgment, decision times and emotional salience of a new developed set of sacrificial manual driving dilemmas
G Bruno, M Sarlo, L Lotto, N Cellini, S Cutini, A Spoto
Current psychology 42 (15), 13159-13172, 2023
The role of the COVID-19 impersonal threat strengthening the associations of right-wing attitudes, nationalism and anti-immigrant sentiments
A Panzeri, G Mignemi, G Bruno, U Granziol, C Scalavicci, M Bertamini, ...
Current Psychology 43 (1), 425-436, 2024
A new validation of Montreal cognitive assessment on a large sample of elderly patients undergoing elective orthopedic surgery
A Biasotto, G Bruno, C Gentili, G Mazzarol, A Spoto, M Prior
Clinical Neuropsychiatry 20 (2), 122, 2023
Ascent and attachment in pea plants: a matter of iteration
S Guerra, G Bruno, A Spoto, A Panzeri, Q Wang, B Bonato, V Simonetti, ...
Plants 13 (10), 1389, 2024
Moral reasoning behind the veil of ignorance: An investigation into perspective‐taking accessibility in the context of autonomous vehicles
G Bruno, A Spoto, M Sarlo, L Lotto, A Marson, N Cellini, S Cutini
British Journal of Psychology 115 (1), 90-114, 2024
A new Bayesian procedure for the estimation of the referees' decision thresholds and agreement. The case of professional handball refereeing
G Bruno, M Vicovaro, M Nucci, G Cropanise, V Fabbian, M Mondin, ...
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 65, 102347, 2023
A driving simulation study on the effects of different wine types on the performance of young drivers
M Bassani, P Passalacqua, L Catani, G Bruno, A Spoto
Drug and alcohol dependence 225, 108847, 2021
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Articles 1–16