Mohammed IGOUZAL
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Cited by
Analytical and numerical study of the salinity intrusion in the Sebou river estuary (Morocco)–effect of the “Super Blood Moon”(total lunar eclipse) of 2015
S Haddout, M Igouzal, A Maslouhi
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (9), 3923-3945, 2016
Study of salinity variation in the Sebou River Estuary (Morocco)
S Haddout, A Maslouhi, B Magrane, M Igouzal
Desalination and Water Treatment 57 (36), 17075-17086, 2016
Seawater intrusion in semi-closed convergent estuaries (case study of Moroccan Atlantic Estuaries): application of salinity analytical models
S Haddout, M Igouzal, A Maslouhi
Marine Geodesy 40 (5), 275-296, 2017
The influence of spring and neap tide on salt intrusion and stratification in Sebou estuary (Morocco)
S Haddout, I Baimik, A Maslouhi, M Igouzal, B Magrane, H Marah
International journal of river basin management 17 (1), 131-142, 2019
Predicting of salt water intrusion in the Sebou river estuary (Morocco)
S Haddout, A Maslouhi, M Igouzal
Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research 5 (1), 40-50, 2017
Two-dimensional modeling of the vertical circulation of salt intrusion in the Sebou estuary under different hydrological conditions
S Haddout, A Maslouhi, I Baimik, M Igouzal, H Marah
ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 25 (2), 170-187, 2019
Modeling the effect of salt water intrusion in the Sebou River estuary (Morocco)
S Haddout, M Igouzal, A Maslouhi
Russian Meteorology and Hydrology 42, 803-811, 2017
Prediction of salt rejection by nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes using Spiegler-Kedem model and an optimisation procedure
N Zouhri, M Igouzal, M Larif, M Hafsi, M Taky, A Elmidaoui
Desalinat. Water Treat 120, 41-50, 2018
Elaboration of management tool of a reservoir dam on the Sebou river (Morocco) using an implicit hydraulic model
M Igouzal, A Maslouhi
Journal of Hydraulic Research 43 (2), 125-130, 2005
A New Photovoltaic Energy Sharing System between Homes in Standalone Areas.
A Mezouari, R Elgouri, M Igouzal, M Alareqi, K Mateur, H Dahou, L Hlou
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708) 8 (6), 2018
Modelling the hydraulic regime and the water quality of Sebou River (Morocco): first results
M Igouzal, JM MOUCHEL, K Tamoh, A Maslouhi
IAHS-AISH publication, 75-80, 2005
Improving stability of an ecological 3D-printed house-a case study in Italy
H Es-Sebyty, M Igouzal, E Ferretti
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 111 (1 …, 2022
Contribution à la gestion de la retenue d'un barrage réservoir sur la rivièreSebou (Maroc) à l'aide d'un modèle hydraulique
M Igouzal, A Maslouhi
Revue des sciences de l'eau 16 (4), 443-458, 2003
Removal of hardness from groundwater using two nanofiltration membranes: Experimental study and modeling
M Igouzal, F El Azhar, M Hafsi, M Taky, A Elmidaoui
Desalination and Water Treatment 93, 30-39, 2017
Modélisation de la qualité des eaux de l'Oued Sebou
M Igouzal, A Maslouhi
Rapport final de conven-tion d'étude. L'ORMVAG (l'Office Régionale de la …, 1999
Modélisation de la qualité des eaux de l'Oued Sebou a l'aval d'un rejet industriel
M Igouzal, A Maslouhi, F Lahlou, M Daniane
IAHS Publications-Series of Proceedings and Reports-Intern Assoc …, 1997
Assessment of urban wastewater pollution discharged by the Moroccan city of Kenitra at the Sebou river estuary
Y Nizar, M Igouzal
Poll Res 41 (2), 153-162, 2022
Reconstitution de la morphologie d'une rivière à méandres par l'utilisation de la photogrammétrie numérique: Exemple du Sebou, Maroc
Bulletin-Société française de photogrammétrie et de télédétection, 16-21, 2003
Predicting the thermal regime of the Sebou river estuary (morocco) using a one-dimensional model (HEC-RAS 5.0)
Y Nizar, A Touazit, M Igouzal
Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 21 (2), 883-890, 2022
Water quality assessment of an artificial small-scale reservoir in the Moroccan Pre-Rif: a case study of Boudaroua Lake using multivariate statistical techniques and self …
H En-Nkhili, M Igouzal, I Etebaai
Desalination and Water Treatment 260, 279-290, 2022
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Articles 1–20