Riccardo Torelli
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Greenwashing and environmental communication: Effects on stakeholders' perceptions
R Torelli, F Balluchi, A Lazzini
Business Strategy and the Environment 29 (2), 407-421, 2020
The materiality assessment and stakeholder engagement: A content analysis of sustainability reports
R Torelli, F Balluchi, K Furlotti
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 27 (2), 470-484, 2020
Sustainability, Responsibility and Ethics: Different Concepts for a Single Path
R Torelli
Social Responsibility Journal, 2020
CSR and Greenwashing: A Matter of Perception in the Search of Legitimacy
F Balluchi, A Lazzini, R Torelli
Accounting, Accountability and Society. Trends and Perspectives in Reporting …, 2020
Credibility of environmental issues in non-financial mandatory disclosure: Measurement and determinants
F Balluchi, A Lazzini, R Torelli
Journal of Cleaner Production 288, 125744, 2021
Fostering Social Impact Through Corporate Implementation of the SDGs: Transformative Mechanisms Towards Interconnectedness and Inclusiveness
S Fiandrino, F Scarpa, R Torelli
Journal of Business Ethics, 1-15, 2022
Italy Towards Mandatory Sustainability Reporting. Voluntary Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure of Italian companies and Legislative Decree 254/2016 statements. A …
F Balluchi, K Furlotti, R Torelli
Sustainability and Law. General and Specific Aspects, 2020
Sustainability performance and sustainability reporting in SMEs: a love affair or a fight?
D Galli, R Torelli, A Caccialanza
Journal of Management & Organization, 1-26, 2023
Signaling the Adoption of the Benefit Corporation Model: A Step towards Transparency
D Galli, R Torelli, V Tibiletti
Sustainability 13 (12(6967)), 1-16, 2021
From greenwashing to ESG‐washing: A focus on the circular economy field
DL Todaro, R Torelli
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 1-13, 2024
Business engagement for the SDGs in COVID-19 time. An Italian perspective
F Scarpa, R Torelli, S Fiandrino
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 14 (7), 152-178, 2023
Accounting and music: The role of Giuseppe Verdi in shaping the nineteenth-century culture industry
F Balluchi, A Lazzini, R Torelli
Accounting History, 1-28, 2021
Biodiversity management approaches in small and innovative businesses: insights from a systems thinking perspective
R Torelli, F Balluchi
Social Responsibility Journal 19 (7), 1297-1319, 2023
Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure in Italy: An Analysis of the Last Years
F Balluchi, K Furlotti, M Mazzieri, R Torelli
International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and …, 2019
Business Legitimacy, Agricultural Biodiversity, and Environmental Ethics: Insights from Sustainable Bakeries
R Torelli, F Balluchi
Handbook of Business Legitimacy. Responsibility, Ethics and Society, 2020
Il settore industriale come determinante della materialità nell'informativa volontaria: analisi empirica nel contesto italiano
R Torelli, F Balluchi, K Furlotti
Rivista Italiana di Ragioneria e di Economia Aziendale 2018 (1-2-3-4), 79-91, 2018
The role of trade associations in promoting corporate sustainability transition and reporting: A case study in the food supply chain
A Caccialanza, R Torelli
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 1-18, 2024
“What I Say Is Not Necessarily What I Do”: A Critical Conceptual Analysis of the (Missing) Link between Corporate Sustainability Reporting and Social Impact
R Torelli
Measuring Sustainability and CSR: From Reporting to Decision-Making 64, 27-36, 2023
Imprese e Sustainable Development Goals. Fuga e ritorno alla dimensione economica
R Torelli
Il valore della sostenibilità. Modelli emergenti di rendicontazione non …, 2021
Il principio di materialità nella social-environmental disclosure. Il ruolo dello stakeholder engagement
F Balluchi, K Furlotti, R Torelli
Rivista Italiana di Ragioneria e di Economia Aziendale 2019 (9-10-11-12 …, 2019
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20