Mario Tani
Mario Tani
University of Naples Federico II - Department of Economics, Management, Institutions
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Online food delivery services and behavioural intention–a test of an integrated TAM and TPB framework
C Troise, A O'Driscoll, M Tani, A Prisco
British food journal 123 (2), 664-683, 2021
The relationship between soft and hard quality management practices, innovation and organizational performance in higher education
M Sciarelli, MH Gheith, M Tani
The TQM Journal 32 (6), 1349-1372, 2020
Exploring entrepreneurial characteristics, motivations and behaviours in equity crowdfunding: some evidence from Italy
C Troise, M Tani
Management Decision 59 (5), 995-1024, 2020
The system thinking perspective in the open-innovation research: A systematic review
M Tani, O Papaluca, P Sasso
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 4 (3), 38, 2018
Understanding the implications of equity crowdfunding on sustainability-oriented innovation and changes in agri-food systems: Insights into an open innovation approach
C Troise, M Tani, J Dinsmore Jr, G Schiuma
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 171, 120959, 2021
Social media and entrepreneurship: exploring the impact of social media use of start-ups on their entrepreneurial orientation and opportunities
C Troise, LP Dana, M Tani, KY Lee
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 29 (1), 47-73, 2022
Click and drive: Consumer attitude to product development: Towards future transformations of the driving experience
G Dominici, V Roblek, T Abbate, M Tani
Business process management journal 22 (2), 420-434, 2016
Investigating the impact of multidimensional social capital on equity crowdfunding performance
C Troise, M Tani, P Jones
International Journal of Information Management 55, 102230, 2020
Network approach and stakeholder management
M Sciarelli, M Tani
Business Systems Review (ISSN 2280-3866) Volume 2, 175-190, 2013
Academic entrepreneurship: founding and governance determinants in university spin-off ventures
M Sciarelli, GC Landi, L Turriziani, M Tani
The Journal of Technology Transfer 46, 1083-1107, 2021
Drivers of student engagement in higher education: a behavioral reasoning theory perspective
M Tani, MH Gheith, O Papaluca
Higher Education, 1-20, 2021
The relationship between quality management practices, organizational innovation, and technical innovation in higher education
M Sciarelli, MH Gheith, M Tani
Quality Assurance in Education 28 (3), 137-150, 2020
Guest editorial: New technologies and entrepreneurship: exploring entrepreneurial behavior in the digital transformation era
C Troise, C Ben-Hafaïedh, M Tani, SA Yablonsky
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 28 (5), 1129-1137, 2022
Place Marketing and Management: A Complex Adaptive Systems View. The Strategic Planning of the City of Avellino, Italy
G Basile, G Dominici, M Tani
Systemic Practice and Action Research, 1-16, 2016
Mediating service recovery satisfaction in the relationship between internet service recovery and customer loyalty
M Sciarelli, AA Nagm, MI Dakrory, M Tani, MA Khashan
International Journal of Business and Management 12 (10), 24-42, 2017
Marketing archetypes: applying Jungian psychology to marketing research
G Dominici, V Tullio, G Siino, M Tani
Journal of organisational transformation & social change 13 (2), 109-122, 2016
CSR perception and financial performance: Evidences from Italian and UK asset management companies
M Sciarelli, M Tani, G Landi, L Turriziani
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 27 (2), 841-851, 2020
Business model innovation in mobile apps market: Exploring the new subscription plans with a behavioral reasoning perspective
M Tani, C Troise, A O’Driscoll
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 63, 101674, 2022
Culinary attributes and technological utilization as drivers of place authenticity and branding: the case of Vascitour, Naples
D Vrontis, G Basile, M Tani, A Thrassou
Journal of Place Management and Development 14 (1), 5-18, 2021
Sustainability and stakeholder approach in Olivetti from 1943 to 1960: a lesson from the past
M Sciarelli, M Tani
Sinergie Italian Journal of Management 33 (Jan-Apr), 19-36, 2015
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20