Sarah Djebali
Sarah Djebali
IRSD, INSERM U1220, Toulouse
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Cited by
An integrated encyclopedia of DNA elements in the human genome
TE consortium
Nature 489, 57-74, 2012
Landscape of transcription in human cells
S Djebali, CA Davis, A Merkel, A Dobin, T Lassmann, A Mortazavi, ...
Nature 489 (7414), 101-108, 2012
The GENCODE v7 catalog of human long noncoding RNAs: analysis of their gene structure, evolution, and expression
T Derrien, R Johnson, G Bussotti, A Tanzer, S Djebali, H Tilgner, ...
Genome research 22 (9), 1775-1789, 2012
A comparative encyclopedia of DNA elements in the mouse genome
F Yue, Y Cheng, A Breschi, J Vierstra, W Wu, T Ryba, R Sandstrom, Z Ma, ...
Nature 515 (7527), 355-364, 2014
The human transcriptome across tissues and individuals
M Melé, PG Ferreira, F Reverter, DS DeLuca, J Monlong, M Sammeth, ...
Science 348 (6235), 660-665, 2015
An atlas of human long non-coding RNAs with accurate 5′ ends
CC Hon, JA Ramilowski, J Harshbarger, N Bertin, OJL Rackham, J Gough, ...
Nature 543 (7644), 199-204, 2017
Assessment of transcript reconstruction methods for RNA-seq
T Steijger, JF Abril, PG Engström, F Kokocinski, TJ Hubbard, R Guigó, ...
Nature methods 10 (12), 1177-1184, 2013
A user's guide to the encyclopedia of DNA elements (ENCODE)
RM Myers, J Stamatoyannopoulos, M Snyder, I Dunham, RC Hardison, ...
PLoS biology 9 (4), 2011
Deep sequencing of subcellular RNA fractions shows splicing to be predominantly co-transcriptional in the human genome but inefficient for lncRNAs
H Tilgner, DG Knowles, R Johnson, CA Davis, S Chakrabortty, S Djebali, ...
Genome research 22 (9), 1616-1625, 2012
Genome-Wide Association Study in Asian Populations Identifies Variants in ETS1 and WDFY4 Associated with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
W Yang, N Shen, DQ Ye, Q Liu, Y Zhang, XX Qian, N Hirankarn, D Ying, ...
PLoS genetics 6 (2), e1000841, 2010
An encyclopedia of mouse DNA elements (Mouse ENCODE)
Mouse ENCODE Consortium, JA Stamatoyannopoulos, M Snyder, ...
Genome biology 13, 1-5, 2012
Comparative analysis of the transcriptome across distant species
MB Gerstein, J Rozowsky, KK Yan, D Wang, C Cheng, JB Brown, ...
Nature 512 (7515), 445-448, 2014
Modeling gene expression using chromatin features in various cellular contexts
X Dong, MC Greven, A Kundaje, S Djebali, JB Brown, C Cheng, ...
Genome biology 13, 1-17, 2012
Transcriptome characterization by RNA sequencing identifies a major molecular and clinical subdivision in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
PG Ferreira, P Jares, D Rico, G Gómez-López, A Martínez-Trillos, ...
Genome research 24 (2), 212-226, 2014
A benchmark for RNA-seq quantification pipelines
M Teng, MI Love, CA Davis, S Djebali, A Dobin, BR Graveley, S Li, ...
Genome biology 17, 1-12, 2016
Understanding transcriptional regulation by integrative analysis of transcription factor binding data
C Cheng, R Alexander, R Min, J Leng, KY Yip, J Rozowsky, KK Yan, ...
Genome research 22 (9), 1658-1667, 2012
An encyclopedia of mouse DNA elements (Mouse ENCODE)
EC Mouse, JA Stamatoyannopoulos, M Snyder, R Hardison, B Ren, ...
Genome Biol 13 (8), 418, 2012
Multi-species annotation of transcriptome and chromatin structure in domesticated animals
S Foissac, S Djebali, K Munyard, N Vialaneix, A Rau, K Muret, D Esquerré, ...
BMC biology 17, 1-25, 2019
Gene-specific patterns of expression variation across organs and species
A Breschi, S Djebali, J Gillis, DD Pervouchine, A Dobin, CA Davis, ...
Genome biology 17, 1-13, 2016
Enhanced transcriptome maps from multiple mouse tissues reveal evolutionary constraint in gene expression
DD Pervouchine, S Djebali, A Breschi, CA Davis, PP Barja, A Dobin, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 5903, 2015
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Articles 1–20