Laura Polverari
Cited by
Cited by
Handbook on Cohesion Policy in the EU
S Piattoni, L Polverari
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016
EU cohesion policy in practice: what does it achieve?
J Bachtler, I Begg, D Charles, L Polverari
Rowman & Littlefield, 2016
Introduction: Policy integration and institutional capacity: Theoretical, conceptual and empirical challenges
E Domorenok, P Graziano, L Polverari
Policy and Society 40 (1), 1-18, 2021
Financial accountability and European Union cohesion policy
S Davies, L Polverari
Regional Studies 45 (5), 695-706, 2011
The long-term effectiveness of EU Cohesion Policy
J Bachtler, I Begg, D Charles, L Polverari
EU Cohesion Policy 11, 1156-1158, 2017
The contribution of European Structural Funds to territorial cohesion
L Polverari, J Bachtler
Town Planning Review 76 (1), 29-42, 2005
EU–China and EU–Brazil policy transfer in regional policy
M Dąbrowski, I Musiałkowska, L Polverari
Regional Studies 52 (9), 1169-1180, 2018
Does devolution increase accountability? Empirical evidence from the implementation of European Union cohesion policy
L Polverari
Regional Studies 49 (6), 1074-1086, 2015
Policy integration, policy design and administrative capacities. Evidence from EU cohesion policy
E Domorenok, P Graziano, L Polverari
Policy and Society 40 (1), 58-78, 2021
Trans-national Nordic-Scottish Co-operation
K Böhme, F Josserand, PI Haraldsson, J Bachtler, L Polverari
Nordregio, 2003
Evaluation of the main achievements of Cohesion Policy programmes and projects over the longer term in 15 selected regions (from 1989-1993 programme period to the present)
J Bachtler, I Begg, L Polverari, D Charles
European Commission, 2013
New partnership dynamics in a changing cohesion policy context
L Polverari, R Michie
Unknown Publisher, 2009
Policy rhetoric versus political reality: has the Italian state given up on the Mezzogiorno?
L Polverari
Regional & Federal Studies 23 (5), 571-590, 2013
Delivering territorial cohesion: European cohesion policy and the European model of society
J Bachtler, L Polverari
Territorial cohesion and the European model of society, 105-128, 2007
Introduction: drawing lessons from international policy-transfer initiatives in regional and urban development and spatial planning
M Dąbrowski, I Musiałkowska, L Polverari
Regional Studies 52 (9), 1165-1168, 2018
Structural fund evaluation as a management tool: Comparative assessment and reflections on Germany
L Polverari, S Taylor, J Bachtler
Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, 341-357, 2001
Assessing the evidence: The evaluation of regional policy in Europe
L Polverari, J Bachtler
European Policies Research Papers, 2004
Ideas and Options for Cohesion Policy post 2020
J Bachtler, C Mendez, L Polverari
IQ-Net Thematic Paper 38 (2), 2016
Methodologies used in the evaluation of the effectiveness of European structural funds: A comparative assessment
J Bachtler, L Polverari, S Taylor, B Ashcroft, K Swales
Scottish Executive Development Department, 2000
Empowerment via delegation? The administrative capacity-building potential of Cohesion Policy urban development strategies
L Polverari, E Domorenok, P Graziano
Regional Studies 58 (4), 733-744, 2024
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