Riccardo Panciroli
Riccardo Panciroli
Full Professor, Niccolò Cusano University
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Hydroelasticity in water-entry problems: Comparison between experimental and SPH results
R Panciroli, S Abrate, G Minak, A Zucchelli
Composite Structures, 2011
Experiments on the water entry of curved wedges: high speed imaging and particle image velocimetry
R Panciroli, A Shams, M Porfiri
Ocean Engineering 94, 213-222, 2015
Evaluation of the pressure field on a rigid body entering a quiescent fluid through particle image velocimetry
R Panciroli, M Porfiri
Experiments in fluids 54, 1-13, 2013
Dynamic response of flexible wedges entering the water
R Panciroli, S Abrate, G Minak
Composite Structures 99, 163-171, 2013
Low-velocity impact on carbon/epoxy tubes subjected to torque–Experimental results, analytical models and FEM analysis
G Minak, S Abrate, D Ghelli, R Panciroli, A Zucchelli
Composite Structures 92 (3), 623-632, 2010
Water entry of flexible wedges: Some issues on the FSI phenomena
R Panciroli
Applied Ocean Research 39, 72-74, 2013
Analysis of hydroelastic slamming through particle image velocimetry
R Panciroli, M Porfiri
Journal of Sound and Vibration 347, 63-78, 2015
Assessment of PIV-based analysis of water entry problems through synthetic numerical datasets
AL Facci, R Panciroli, S Ubertini, M Porfiri
Journal of Fluids and Structures 55, 484-500, 2015
Experimental reconstruction of three-dimensional hydrodynamic loading in water entry problems through particle image velocimetry
M Jalalisendi, A Shams, R Panciroli, M Porfiri
Experiments in fluids 56, 1-17, 2015
Hydroelastic impact of piezoelectric structures
R Panciroli, M Porfiri
International Journal of Impact Engineering 66, 18-27, 2014
Hydroelastic impacts of deformable wedges
R Panciroli
Dynamic failure of composite and sandwich structures, 1-45, 2012
Residual torsional strength after impact of CFRP tubes
G Minak, S Abrate, D Ghelli, R Panciroli, A Zucchelli
Composites Part B: Engineering 41 (8), 637-645, 2010
Experimental characterization of a fiber metal laminate for underwater applications
E Poodts, D Ghelli, T Brugo, R Panciroli, G Minak
Composite Structures 129, 36-46, 2015
Experiments on the dynamics of flexible cylindrical shells impacting on a water surface
R Panciroli, S Ubertini, G Minak, E Jannelli
Experimental mechanics 55, 1537-1550, 2015
Comparing the impact resistance of flax/epoxy and glass/epoxy composites through experiments and numerical simulations
R Panciroli, O Giannini
Composite Structures 264, 113750, 2021
A particle image velocimetry study of the flow physics generated by a thin lamina oscillating in a viscous fluid
M Jalalisendi, R Panciroli, Y Cha, M Porfiri
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (5), 2014
Characterizing flax fiber reinforced bio-composites under monotonic and cyclic tensile loading
PM Giuliani, O Giannini, R Panciroli
Composite Structures 280, 114803, 2022
Live monitoring of the distributed strain field in impulsive events through fiber Bragg gratings
R Panciroli, C Biscarini, G Falcucci, E Jannelli, S Ubertini
Journal of Fluids and Structures 61, 60-75, 2016
Experimental investigation on the fatigue behavior of laser powder bed fused 316L stainless steel
GS Ponticelli, R Panciroli, S Venettacci, F Tagliaferri, S Guarino
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 38, 787-800, 2022
Fluid-structure interaction during the water entry of flexible cylinders
R Panciroli, G Falcucci, G Erme, E De Santis, E Jannelli
AIP Conference Proceedings 1648 (1), 2015
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Articles 1–20