alessandra di gaspare
alessandra di gaspare
postdoc, NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR and Scuola Normale Superiore
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Cited by
Observation of Dirac plasmons in a topological insulator
P Di Pietro, M Ortolani, O Limaj, A Di Gaspare, V Giliberti, F Giorgianni, ...
Nature nanotechnology 8 (8), 556-560, 2013
Plasmon–phonon interactions in topological insulator microrings
M Autore, F D'Apuzzo, A Di Gaspare, V Giliberti, O Limaj, P Roy, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 3 (9), 1257-1263, 2015
The SPARC linear accelerator based terahertz source
E Chiadroni, A Bacci, M Bellaveglia, M Boscolo, M Castellano, L Cultrera, ...
Applied Physics Letters 102 (9), 2013
Detailed investigation of the low energy secondary electron yield of technical Cu and its relevance for the LHC
R Cimino, LA Gonzalez, R Larciprete, A Di Gaspare, G Iadarola, ...
Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators and Beams 18 (5), 051002, 2015
Observation of Magnetoplasmons in Bi2Se3 Topological Insulator
M Autore, H Engelkamp, F D’Apuzzo, AD Gaspare, PD Pietro, IL Vecchio, ...
Acs Photonics 2 (9), 1231-1235, 2015
Superconductivity-induced transparency in terahertz metamaterials
O Limaj, F Giorgianni, A Di Gaspare, V Giliberti, G De Marzi, P Roy, ...
Acs Photonics 1 (7), 570-575, 2014
Terahertz Tuning of Dirac Plasmons in Topological Insulator
P Di Pietro, N Adhlakha, F Piccirilli, A Di Gaspare, J Moon, S Oh, S Di Mitri, ...
Physical review letters 124 (22), 226403, 2020
Tunable, grating‐gated, graphene‐on‐polyimide terahertz modulators
A Di Gaspare, EAA Pogna, L Salemi, O Balci, AR Cadore, SM Shinde, L Li, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (10), 2008039, 2021
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy as a useful tool for the automated classification of cancer cell-derived exosomes obtained under different culture conditions
S Romaṇ, F Di Giacinto, A Primiano, A Mazzini, C Panzetta, M Papi, ...
Analytica chimica acta 1140, 219-227, 2020
Weak antilocalization and spin-orbit interaction in a two-dimensional electron gas
D Spirito, L Di Gaspare, F Evangelisti, A Di Gaspare, E Giovine, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (23), 235314, 2012
Mid-infrared surface plasmon polariton sensors resonant with the vibrational modes of phospholipid layers
O Limaj, F D’Apuzzo, A Di Gaspare, V Giliberti, F Domenici, S Sennato, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (37), 19119-19126, 2013
Downconversion of terahertz radiation due to intrinsic hydrodynamic nonlinearity of a two-dimensional electron plasma
V Giliberti, A Di Gaspare, E Giovine, M Ortolani, L Sorba, G Biasiol, ...
Physical Review B 91 (16), 165313, 2015
Terahertz current oscillations in a gated two-dimensional electron gas with antenna integrated at the channel ends
A Di Gaspare, R Casini, V Foglietti, V Giliberti, E Giovine, M Ortolani
Applied Physics Letters 100 (20), 2012
Mid-infrared nanoantenna arrays on silicon and CaF2 substrates for sensing applications
L Businaro, O Limaj, V Giliberti, M Ortolani, A Di Gaspare, G Grenci, ...
Microelectronic engineering 97, 197-200, 2012
Terahertz plasmonic excitations in Bi2Se3 topological insulator
M Autore, P Di Pietro, A Di Gaspare, F D’apuzzo, F Giorgianni, M Brahlek, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29 (18), 183002, 2017
Self-mixing interferometry and near-field nanoscopy in quantum cascade random lasers at terahertz frequencies
KS Reichel, EAA Pogna, S Biasco, L Viti, A Di Gaspare, HE Beere, ...
Nanophotonics 10 (5), 1495-1503, 2021
Three-dimensional shaping of sub-micron GaAs Schottky junctions for zero-bias terahertz rectification
R Casini, A Di Gaspare, E Giovine, A Notargiacomo, M Ortolani, ...
Applied Physics Letters 99 (26), 2011
Stable p-channel polysilicon thin film transistors fabricated by laser doping technique
A Di Gaspare, L Mariucci, A Pecora, G Fortunato
Thin solid films 487 (1-2), 232-236, 2005
Heterodyne and subharmonic mixing at 0.6 THz in an AlGaAs/InGaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure field effect transistor
V Giliberti, A Di Gaspare, E Giovine, S Boppel, A Lisauskas, HG Roskos, ...
Applied Physics Letters 103 (9), 2013
A fast terahertz spectrometer based on frequency selective surface filters
P Carelli, F Chiarello, S Cibella, A Di Gaspare, R Leoni, M Ortolani, ...
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 33, 505-512, 2012
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Articles 1–20