Steffen Novotny
Steffen Novotny
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High-Resolution Dissociative Recombination of Cold and First Evidence <?format ?>for Nuclear Spin Effects
H Kreckel, M Motsch, J Mikosch, J Glosik, R Plašil, S Altevogt, ...
Physical review letters 95 (26), 263201, 2005
Resonant structure of low-energy dissociative recombination
A Petrignani, S Altevogt, MH Berg, D Bing, M Grieser, J Hoffmann, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (3), 032711, 2011
Comprehensive numerical analysis of a surface-plasmon-resonance sensor based on an H-shaped optical fiber
M Erdmanis, D Viegas, M Hautakorpi, S Novotny, JL Santos, H Ludvigsen
Optics express 19 (15), 13980-13988, 2011
Stroboscopic white-light interferometry of vibrating microstructures
I Shavrin, L Lipiäinen, K Kokkonen, S Novotny, M Kaivola, H Ludvigsen
Optics Express 21 (14), 16901-16907, 2013
Rotational Cooling of Molecular Ions by Superelastic Collisions with Electrons
D Shafir, S Novotny, H Buhr, S Altevogt, A Faure, M Grieser, AG Harvey, ...
Physical review letters 102 (22), 223202, 2009
Mode excitation and supercontinuum generation in a few-mode suspended-core fiber
I Shavrin, S Novotny, H Ludvigsen
Optics Express 21 (26), 32141-32150, 2013
Numerical solver for supercontinuum generation in multimode optical fibers
R Khakimov, I Shavrin, S Novotny, M Kaivola, H Ludvigsen
Optics express 21 (12), 14388-14398, 2013
Fragmentation channels in dissociative electron recombination with hydronium and other astrophysically important species
O Novotny, H Buhr, J Stützel, MB Mendes, MH Berg, D Bing, M Froese, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114 (14), 4870-4874, 2010
Cold electron reactions producing the energetic isomer of hydrogen cyanide in interstellar clouds
MB Mendes, H Buhr, MH Berg, M Froese, M Grieser, O Heber, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 746 (1), L8, 2012
Hot Water Molecules from Dissociative Recombination of with Cold Electrons
H Buhr, J Stützel, MB Mendes, O Novotný, D Schwalm, MH Berg, D Bing, ...
Physical review letters 105 (10), 103202, 2010
Effects of molecular rotation in low-energy electron collisions of
A Wolf, H Kreckel, L Lammich, D Strasser, J Mikosch, J Glosik, R Plašil, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2006
Gas refractometry using a hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber in a Mach-Zehnder-type interferometer
I Shavrin, S Novotny, A Shevchenko, H Ludvigsen
Applied Physics Letters 100 (5), 2012
A high-efficiency compact setup to study evaporation residues formed in reactions induced by low-intensity radioactive ion beams
D Shapira, JF Liang, CJ Gross, RL Varner, H Amro, C Harlin, JJ Kolata, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2005
Structure and stability of the negative hydrogen molecular ion
B Jordon-Thaden, H Kreckel, R Golser, D Schwalm, MH Berg, H Buhr, ...
Physical Review Letters 107 (19), 193003, 2011
Magnetic resonance study of H atoms in thin films of at temperatures below 1 K
J Ahokas, O Vainio, S Novotny, J Järvinen, VV Khmelenko, DM Lee, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (10), 104516, 2010
Assignment of resonances in dissociative recombination of HD ions: High-resolution measurements compared with accurate computations
FO Waffeu Tamo, H Buhr, O Motapon, S Altevogt, VM Andrianarijaona, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (2), 022710, 2011
Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons in atomic hydrogen gas
O Vainio, J Ahokas, J Järvinen, L Lehtonen, S Novotny, S Sheludiakov, ...
Physical Review Letters 114 (12), 125304, 2015
Single-frequency 336 W spliceless all-fiber amplifier based on a chirally-coupled-core fiber for the next generation of gravitational wave detectors
S Hochheim, E Brockmüller, P Wessels, J Koponen, T Lowder, S Novotny, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 40 (7), 2136-2143, 2021
Spectroscopy and dissociative recombination of the lowest rotational states of H+ 3
A Petrignani, H Kreckel, MH Berg, S Altevogt, D Bing, H Buhr, M Froese, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 192 (1), 012022, 2009
Single-frequency chirally coupled-core all-fiber amplifier with 100 W in a linearly polarized TEM00 mode
S Hochheim, M Steinke, P Wessels, O De Varona, J Koponen, T Lowder, ...
Optics Letters 45 (4), 939-942, 2020
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