Vincenzo Maximiliano Giacalone
Vincenzo Maximiliano Giacalone
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Monitoring marine populations and communities: methods dealing with imperfect detectability
S Katsanevakis, A Weber, C Pipitone, M Leopold, M Cronin, M Scheidat, ...
Aquatic Biology 16 (1), 31-52, 2012
Weight‐length relationships and condition factor trends for thirty‐eight fish species in trawled and untrawled areas off the coast of northern Sicily (central Mediterranean Sea)
VM Giacalone, G D’anna, F Badalamenti, C Pipitone
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26 (6), 954-957, 2010
Movement pattern of white seabream, Diplodus sargus (L., 1758) (Osteichthyes, Sparidae) acoustically tracked in an artificial reef area
G d'anna, VM Giacalone, C Pipitone, F Badalamenti
Italian Journal of Zoology 78 (2), 255-263, 2011
Releasing of hatchery-reared juveniles of the white seabream Diplodus sargus (L., 1758) in the Gulf of Castellammare artificial reef area (NW Sicily)
G D'Anna, VM Giacalone, F Badalamenti, C Pipitone
Aquaculture 233 (1-4), 251-268, 2004
Effects of predator and shelter conditioning on hatchery-reared white seabream Diplodus sargus (L., 1758) released at sea
G D'Anna, VM Giacalone, TV Fernández, AM Vaccaro, C Pipitone, S Mirto, ...
Aquaculture 356, 91-97, 2012
Effect of acoustic environment on gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata): Sea and onshore aquaculture background noise
F Filiciotto, VM Giacalone, F Fazio, G Buffa, G Piccione, V Maccarrone, ...
Aquaculture 414, 36-45, 2013
Thermo-priming increases heat-stress tolerance in seedlings of the Mediterranean seagrass P. oceanica
J Pazzaglia, F Badalamenti, J Bernardeau-Esteller, JM Ruiz, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 174, 113164, 2022
Fitting the size of no-take zones to species movement patterns: a case study on a Mediterranean seabream
M Di Lorenzo, G D’Anna, F Badalamenti, VM Giacalone, RM Starr, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 502, 245-255, 2014
Movements and residence time of spiny lobsters, Palinurus elephas released in a marine protected area: an investigation by ultrasonic telemetry
VM Giacalone, G D'anna, C Pipitone, F Badalamenti
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 86 (5 …, 2006
Estimation of positioning error from an array of automated omnidirectional receivers in an artificial reef area
VM Giacalone, G D’Anna, G Garofalo, K Collins, F Badalamenti
Aquatic telemetry: advances and applications: Proceedings of the Fifth …, 2005
Genetic considerations on the introduction of farmed fish in marine protected areas: The case of study of white seabream restocking in the Gulf of Castellammare (Southern …
M González-Wangüemert, TV Fernández, A Pérez-Ruzafa, M Giacalone, ...
Journal of Sea Research 68, 41-48, 2012
Diel activity and variability in habitat use of white sea bream in a temperate marine protected area
M Di Lorenzo, TV Fernández, F Badalamenti, P Guidetti, RM Starr, ...
Marine Environmental Research 116, 1-9, 2016
Diel activity and short‐distance movement pattern of the European spiny lobster, Palinurus elephas, acoustically tracked
VM Giacalone, A Barausse, M Gristina, C Pipitone, V Visconti, ...
Marine Ecology 36 (3), 389-399, 2015
Spatial distribution of demersal fishery resources, environmental factors and fishing activities in GSA 15 (Malta Island)
M Camilleri, M Dimech, A Drago, F Fiorentino, T Fortibuoni, G Garofalo, ...
MedSud-Med Technical Document 15, 97, 2008
Substrate preference and settlement behaviour of the megalopa of the invasive crab Percnon gibbesi (Decapoda, Percnidae) in the Mediterranean Sea
A Zenone, F Badalamenti, VM Giacalone, L Musco, C Pipitone, ...
Helgoland Marine Research 70 (1), 21, 2017
Anthropogenic impact is negatively related to coral health in Sicily (Mediterranean Sea)
F Prada, L Musco, A Alagna, D Agnetta, E Beccari, G D’Anna, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 13469, 2019
Movement ecology of the white seabream Diplodus sargus across its life cycle: a review
VM Giacalone, C Pipitone, D Abecasis, F Badalamenti, G D’Anna
Environmental Biology of Fishes 105 (12), 1809-1823, 2022
The use of 3-axial accelerometers to evaluate sound production in European spiny lobster, Palinurus elephas
A Zenone, M Ceraulo, JE Ciancio, G Buscaino, G D'Anna, R Grammauta, ...
Ecological indicators 102, 519-527, 2019
Monitoring marine populations and communities: methods dealing with imperfect detectability. Aquat Biol 16: 31–52
S Katsanevakis, A Weber, C Pipitone, M Leopold, M Cronin, M Scheidat, ...
Influence of light, food and predator presence on the activity pattern of the European spiny lobster Palinurus elephas: An investigation using tri-axial accelerometers
A Zenone, JE Ciancio, F Badalamenti, G Buffa, G D'Anna, C Pipitone, ...
Ecological Indicators 113, 106174, 2020
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