Julian Struck
Julian Struck
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Quantum simulation of frustrated classical magnetism in triangular optical lattices
J Struck, C Ölschläger, R Le Targat, P Soltan-Panahi, A Eckardt, ...
Science 333 (6045), 996-999, 2011
Tunable gauge potential for neutral and spinless particles in driven optical lattices
J Struck, C Ölschläger, M Weinberg, P Hauke, J Simonet, A Eckardt, ...
Physical review letters 108 (22), 225304, 2012
Engineering Ising-XY spin-models in a triangular lattice using tunable artificial gauge fields
J Struck, M Weinberg, C Ölschläger, P Windpassinger, J Simonet, ...
Nature Physics 9 (11), 738-743, 2013
Multi-component quantum gases in spin-dependent hexagonal lattices
P Soltan-Panahi, J Struck, P Hauke, A Bick, W Plenkers, G Meineke, ...
Nature Physics 7 (5), 434-440, 2011
Non-Abelian gauge fields and topological insulators in shaken optical lattices
P Hauke, O Tieleman, A Celi, C Ölschläger, J Simonet, J Struck, ...
Physical review letters 109 (14), 145301, 2012
Homogeneous atomic Fermi gases
B Mukherjee, Z Yan, PB Patel, Z Hadzibabic, T Yefsah, J Struck, ...
Physical Review Letters 118 (12), 123401, 2017
Quantum phase transition to unconventional multi-orbital superfluidity in optical lattices
P Soltan-Panahi, DS Lühmann, J Struck, P Windpassinger, K Sengstock
Nature Physics 8 (1), 71-75, 2012
Boiling a unitary Fermi liquid
Z Yan, PB Patel, B Mukherjee, RJ Fletcher, J Struck, MW Zwierlein
Physical Review Letters 122 (9), 093401, 2019
Universal sound diffusion in a strongly interacting Fermi gas
PB Patel, Z Yan, B Mukherjee, RJ Fletcher, J Struck, MW Zwierlein
Science 370 (6521), 1222-1226, 2020
Spectral response and contact of the unitary Fermi gas
B Mukherjee, PB Patel, Z Yan, RJ Fletcher, J Struck, MW Zwierlein
Physical review letters 122 (20), 203402, 2019
Spin-orbit coupling in periodically driven optical lattices
J Struck, J Simonet, K Sengstock
Physical Review A 90 (3), 031601, 2014
In Situ Thermometry of Fermionic Cold-Atom Quantum Wires
C De Daniloff, M Tharrault, C Enesa, C Salomon, F Chevy, T Reimann, ...
Physical Review Letters 127 (11), 113602, 2021
Artificial Gauge Fields in Driven Optical Lattices-From Frustrated XY Models to Ising Ferromagnetism
J Struck
Dr. Hut, 2013
Tunable gauge potential for spinless particles in driven lattices
J Simonet, J Struck, M Weinberg, C Ölschläger, P Hauke, A Eckardt, ...
EPJ Web of Conferences 57, 01004, 2013
Spinor Bose-Einstein condensates in triangular optical lattices
P Soltan-Panahi, J Struck, G Meineke, C Becker, K Sengstock
CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2009-European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and …, 2009
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