Rita Pucci
Cited by
Cited by
Human activity recognition using multisensor data fusion based on reservoir computing
F Palumbo, C Gallicchio, R Pucci, A Micheli
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 8 (2), 87-107, 2016
Lord of the rings: Hanoi pooling and self-knowledge distillation for fast and accurate vehicle reidentification
N Martinel, M Dunnhofer, R Pucci, GL Foresti, C Micheloni
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (1), 87-96, 2021
Deep interactive encoding with capsule networks for image classification
R Pucci, C Micheloni, GL Foresti, N Martinel
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79 (43), 32243-32258, 2020
Stir to pour: Efficient calibration of liquid properties for pouring actions
T Lopez-Guevara, R Pucci, NK Taylor, MU Gutmann, S Ramamoorthy, ...
2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2020
A comparative analysis of SVM and IDNN for identifying penguin activities
S Chessa, A Micheli, R Pucci, J Hunter, G Carroll, R Harcourt
Applied Artificial Intelligence 31 (5-6), 453-471, 2017
Self-attention agreement among capsules
R Pucci, C Micheloni, N Martinel
Proceedings of the ieee/cvf international conference on computer vision, 272-280, 2021
Collaborative image and object level features for image colourisation
R Pucci, C Micheloni, N Martinel
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
Localizing tortoise nests by neural networks
R Barbuti, S Chessa, A Micheli, R Pucci
PloS one 11 (3), e0151168, 2016
Fixed simplex coordinates for angular margin loss in capsnet
R Pucci, C Micheloni, GL Foresti, N Martinel
2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 3042-3049, 2021
WhoAmI: An automatic tool for visual recognition of tiger and leopard individuals in the wild
R Pucci, J Shankaraiah, D Jathanna, U Karanth, K Subr
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.09962, 2020
Human activity recognition using multisensor data fusion based on reservoir computing. J Ambient Intell Smart Environ 8 (2): 87–107
F Palumbo, C Gallicchio, R Pucci, A Micheli
Identification of nesting phase in tortoise populations by neural networks. extended abstract
R Barbuti, S Chessa, A Micheli, R Pucci
The 50th Anniversary Convention of the AISB, selected papers, 62-65, 2013
An exploration of the interaction between capsules with resnetcaps models
R Pucci, C Micheloni, V Roberto, GL Foresti, N Martinel
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Distributed Smart …, 2019
To stir or not to stir: Online estimation of liquid properties for pouring actions
TL Guevara, R Pucci, NK Taylor, M Gutmann, S Ramamoorthy, K Subr
Robotics: Science and Systems Workshop on Learning and Inference in Robotics …, 2018
Activity Recognition system based on Multisensor data fusion (AReM) dataset
F Palumbo, C Gallicchio, R Pucci, A Micheli
Pro-ccaps: progressively teaching colourisation to capsules
R Pucci, C Micheloni, GL Foresti, N Martinel
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2022
Tortoise@: A system for localizing tortoises during the eggs deposition phase
R Barbuti, S Chessa, A Micheli, D Pallini, R Pucci, G Anastasi
Atti Soc. Toscana Sci. Nat. Mem. B 119, 89-95, 2012
Machine learning approaches for identifying prey handling activity in otariid pinnipeds
R Pucci, A Micheli, S Chessa, J Hunter
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.03866, 2020
Comparison between transformers and convolutional models for fine-grained classification of insects
R Pucci, VJ Kalkman, D Stowell
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.11112, 2023
Uw-proccaps: Underwater progressive colourisation with capsules
R Pucci, N Martinel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.01091, 2023
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Articles 1–20