Claudio Zmarich
Claudio Zmarich
Senior Researcher, CNR-ISTC, Padova, Italia
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Labial coarticulation modeling for realistic facial animation
P Cosi, EM Caldognetto, G Perin, C Zmarich
Proceedings. Fourth IEEE International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces …, 2002
Word-initial voicing in the productions of stops in normal and preterm Italian infants
U Bortolini, C Zmarich, R Fior, S Bonifacio
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 31 (2-3), 191-206, 1995
Communication attitude of Italian children who do and do not stutter
S Bernardini, M Vanryckeghem, GJ Brutten, L Cocco, C Zmarich
Journal of communication disorders 42 (2), 155-161, 2009
Phonetic inventories in Italian children aged 18-27 months: a longitudinal study.
C Zmarich, S Bonifacio
INTERSPEECH, 757-760, 2005
Italian consonantal visemes: relationships between spatial/temporal articulatory characteristics and coproduced acoustic signal.
EM Caldognetto, C Zmarich, P Cosi, F Ferrero
AVSP, 5-8, 1997
Modelling an Italian talking head.
C Pelachaud, EM Caldognetto, C Zmarich, P Cosi
AVSP, 72-77, 2001
On the articulatory bases of prominence in Italian
C Avesani, M Vayra, C Zmarich
Proceedings 16th ICPhS 2007, 981-984, 2007
Statistical definition of visual information for Italian vowels and consonants
EM Caldognetto, C Zmarich, P Cosi
AVSP'98 International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing, 1998
Visible articulatory characteristics of the Italian stressed and unstressed vowels
E Magno Caldognetto, K Vagges, C Zmarich
Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 1, 366-369, 1995
Gli inventari fonetici dai 18 ai 27 mesi d’età: uno studio longitudinale
C Zmarich, S Bonifacio
Atti del Convegno Nazionale “Il Parlato italiano, 13-15, 2004
Italian geminates under speech rate and focalization changes: kinematic, acoustic, and perception data.
BG Fivela, C Zmarich
InterSpeech, 2897-2900, 2005
Coarticolazione e Accento
C Zmarich, C Avesani, M Marchiori
V. Giordani, V. Bruseghini, P. Cosi (en cours). In Actes III Convegno …, 2006
Acoustic and kinematic correlates of phonological length contrast in Italian consonants
B Gili-Fivela, C Zmarich, P Perrier, C Savariaux, G Tisato
ICPhS 2007-16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 469-472, 2007
Consonanti scempie e geminate in italiano: studio cinematico e percettivo dell’articolazione bilabiale e labiodentale
C Zmarich, B Gili Fivela
Atti del IConvegno Nazionale AISV, 429-448, 2005
The frequency of consonants and vowels and their co-occurrences in the babbling and early speech Italian children
C Zmarich, R Miotti
Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1947-1950, 2003
Prominence patterns in Italian: an analysis of F0 and duration
E Farnetani, C Zmarich
Proceedings of the ESCA workshop on intonation, 115-118, 1997
Italian Vowel and Consonant (co) articulation in Parkinson’s Disease: extreme or reduced articulatory variability?
BG Fivela, MM Iraci, V Sallustio, M Grimaldi, C Zmarich, D Patrocinio
10th ISSP, May 5-8, Cologne, Germany, Proceedings, 146-149, 2014
Analisi confrontativa di parlato spontaneo e letto: fenomeni macroprosodici e indici di fluenza
C Zmarich, E Magno Caldognetto, F Ferrero
Atti delle VII Giornate di Studio del GFS, Napoli, 111-139, 1997
FANTASIA: a framework for advanced natural tools and applications in social, interactive approaches
A Origlia, F Cutugno, A Rodà, P Cosi, C Zmarich
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78, 13613-13648, 2019
Caratteristiche fonetiche di soggetti a basso rischio neonatale a 18, 21 e 27 mesi
U Bortolini, S Bonifacio, C Zmarich, R Fior
Età evolutiva, 30-42, 1996
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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